Walmart thanks and Hy-Vee question

Budget101 Discussion List Archives Budget101 Discussion List Walmart thanks and Hy-Vee question

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    • #259594

      A question: Our local newspaper just had a story that we are getting
      a Hy-Vee grocery store in town. Anyone familiar with this store?
      Should I be excited? Are they reasonable or have good cost leader


      The local Hy-Vee here (southern Minnesota) is in line with other grocery stores in the area. They have good sales in their ads and lots of store coupons every time a time a new add comes out — about once a week.
      In addition to groceries there is pharmacy, dry cleaning drop off/pickup, bank, on premise bakery,movie rentals (Movies that are not “new releases” rent for 50 cents, on premises dining options. There is Starbucks, an Oriental counter, apizza counter, America counter, and a buffet that price is calculated by the weight of the food on your plate.
      The deli department has huge selection of cheeses and slice to order cold cuts.

      The meat department has live butchers to assist you and answer questions.

      HyVee offers the option to shop from some of their stores online. They will pack upyour groceriesfor you topick up at certain times. If you liveclose enough to “participating” store, they will deliver to your house for a small fee.

      On Mondays and Tuesday, senior citizens can get 5 per cent discount on grocery bill if they ask for it.

      There is a strong emphasis on customer service. I have never been in the store that an employee didn’t ask if I was finding everything or needed help.

      The only thing I don’t like about my local HyVee is that I don’t live close to be able to get my groceries delivered to my house.

      Gas prices getting you down? Search AOL Autos for fuel-efficient used cars.

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Budget101 Discussion List Archives Budget101 Discussion List Walmart thanks and Hy-Vee question