I am fortunate to live in an area with 2 Vons gas stations. If you get rewards points from Vons, you get a reduction of up to a $1 a gal, at the Vons Gas Stations. It may seem like a lot of groceries to get there, because that is a 1000 rewards points. But you can get there faster through buying gift cards.
Like right now, Vons/Pavilions is have a 3X rewards on gift cards. So if you buy a $100 gift card, you get 30 cents off at Vons Gas Stations or 20 cents off at Chevron.
Because of this, I buy gift cards for everywhere I can at Vons. McDonalds, Panda Express, starbucks, and other restaurants. Stores, such as Home Depot, Lowe’s, Target, etc. Online stores, Sears, Amazon, Barnes and Noble, etc. Christmas time is especially good for this. When we were remodeling our house, one time I went and bought $1000 worth of gift cards for Depot and Lowe’s.
You would be surprised how fast it adds up. You go to a store or online, find a price on something, go to Von’s, get a gift card and then buy the item. You are out no more money, but you turn around a save money on Gas. Since most of the cars in the family, don’t hold the limit of 25 gallons, I take race gas cans to the station and fill those up to get my 25 gallons limit. Just dump them in a car needing gas.
Now you do have to use the reward point within a 2 month period, or lose the points. If you work it right, you can buy stuff at the beginning of one month instead of near the end of a month.
Even at Chevron station, saving 20 cents a gallon won’t hurt.
Greg W.