Vacation Ideas

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      This isn’t what you were exactly looking for but if it happens to beon your way up to other attractions, you might want to check out Warm Springs ga which is home of the warm springs treatment center where franklin roosevelt came for polio “treatments”. roosevelt liked the area so much he built a “little white house” that is open for public tours (fee is nominal) and thereare some camping/cabin areasnear by that were built by the ccc while roosevelt was in office. the little white house has a display of roosevelt’s personal articles, the house is open for tours and they also have his car with hand controls that he used to tour the country side.

      near that same area is pine mountain ga which hasone end of the appalachian trail that runs up the eastern side of the us…all the way to maine. there is a place in pine mountain
      called callaway gardens that has some exhibits : anold log farm house, movie on how the land was stripped of minerals by over farming and how the current gardens were planted and how the practice ofcrop rotation was put into place, and a lovely butterfly house you can walk through and see butterflies hatch/fly/reproduce. all of these places can be checked out on google and you can plan your trip accordingly if they interest you and your family.


      lisa g.

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