Tips for college students trying to live on a budget

Budget101 Discussion List Archives Budget101 Discussion List Tips for college students trying to live on a budget

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    • #270025

      You’re in college now! For better or worse that means you have to be responsible for yourself, and that includes being responsible for your money. Learning how to spend your money wisely is not always easy–especially if you have caviar tastes on a tuna fish budget.

      Here are a few tips to help you stretch your money.

      Shop for Deals!
      Target, Wal-Mart, and Best Buy all have sales on things you want and need.
      Clip Coupons!
      These extra savings add up, especially if you use them at stores that offer to double their value. They’ll help you save a few more dollars that can be put toward other luxuries
      Get textbooks Online!
      Even if you are lucky enough to get all of your books at “used” prices, you still end up paying a huge amount for a semester’s worth of books. Explore online textbook shopping.

      It’s simple, it’s fast, and – often – it’s cheaper
      Pay Off Your Balance Each Month!
      Using your credit card can be a good way to build a credit history, but you want a good credit history, don’t you? Use only one credit card with a low credit limit, and pay your balance in full each month.
      Use a Debit Card!
      If you have self-control issues, then trade in your credit card for a debit card. The money comes directly out of your checking account, so you pay no interest and there is no danger of spending money you don’t have.
      Balance Your Bank Account!
      Do this every month to avoid costly bounced check charges and embarrassment at the check-out stand.
      Eat Out Less!
      Purchase a meal plan; buy groceries; brown bag your lunch; find less expensive places to eat.

      Eating at restaurants week after week will take a big chunk out of your budget.
      Don’t Drink!
      Beer and apple martinis are expensive. On top of that, you’re more likely to give in to impulse spending (extra fries, cute hat, etc.) if you’re sporting a buzz. Besides you shouldn’t be drinking unless you’re 21, so cut it out!
      Shop for a Better Cell Phone Plan!
      You spend all day on the cell phone – text messaging, yapping away, checking your stock quotes.

      . . .If you just pick a plan because the phone has the coolest features, you may be wasting a lot of money.
      Use Less Gas!
      Are we really paying $3.50 per gallon?

      Consolidate errands when you go off campus. Make lists during the week so that you don’t end up making three trips to Albertson’s. If you’re one of those people that really likes to drive around to show off your cool ride, maybe you could just coast downhill on Lincoln – just kidding; you’ll have to rely on some of the other cost saving tips.
      Review Your Budget Each Month!
      If you consistently go over your budget, keep records of everything you spend during the next month.

      Use this expense information to trim excess spending and try again.
      Get A Campus Job!
      If you can’t make these tips work for you, then you need more cash. There are many part-time jobs available on campus. You can earn some dough and not waste any money on gas.
      There are so many things that you can do to save money.

      Try some of these on for size. Maybe you’ll discover a little extra cash in your wallet next month.

    • #412788

      For my phone I ended up trading in my $40 a month for a prepaid plain since I barely talk to anyone and it turns into being a huge waste after a while if you’re not big on talking.

      And eating out less, gawd, if I could just convince my roommate to quit that habit we’d be sitting a lot prettier with our funds.

    • #412789

      I hope it helps some Tarrien!!! 🙂

    • #412790

      Oh yeah, these tips definitely help.

    • #412792

      My oldest daughter is in college and I try to advise and help her as well!!

    • #412794

      not even in college and they’re helping me out

    • #412815

      Thats kewl!!! It could apply to the youth also 🙂

    • #412819

      *is the youth* 😆

    • #412822

      LOL…your great Tarrien!!!

    • #412878

      thanks those tips are helpful! still in grad school here but trying to figure out where all my money goes?

      i havent been out to eat for so long… today i cheated and got a $1 tea and $1 french fries from mcdonalds but i figure $2 isnt so bad!!

      im trying to figure out how to do a cash budget where if i take out cash each week i wont be tempted to purchase items as much?

      hmm i do all those things actually, just gotta keep working on them though i guess!

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Budget101 Discussion List Archives Budget101 Discussion List Tips for college students trying to live on a budget