Thrifty but classy bachelorette party

Holidays & Special Occasions Wedding Events Thrifty but classy bachelorette party

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    • #273415

      My best friend is getting married in 2 months and being her maid of honor, i am to throw her the bachelorette party. we decided to take the entourage to Atlantic City (since the booze is endless and free as long as you are sitting at a machine!). Does anyone have any ideas of thrifty ways/ things to do that would make this party a night to remember?

      Thanks for your help 🙂

    • #421487

      hmmm. well I threw one a few years back. Made all my own favors and games to cut costs.

      I just looked them up online and made my own bassed on what was selling. We went to a strip club though. i picked up a $1 lay at the dollar tree and sew on individualy packaged life savers for the stripers to steal from her.

      Made a kind of treasure hunt whear it was things to do rather than things to find. Made sucker covers for favors that said girls night out! Printed it all out.

      It was a bit time consumeing but cheap and looked pretty good. I did end up buying light up suckers for everyone that were shaped like…well you know. 🙂 No one dared put them in there mouth though.

      Why not have an adualt toy party befor you go out. They are really a lot of laphs and the host (you can say its the bride) gets a gift for haveing the party. And more if you have a good amout of purchases.

      It dosent matter if your staying at a hotell they should still be able to do the party if you explain.

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Holidays & Special Occasions Wedding Events Thrifty but classy bachelorette party