Shallow, handleless basket with a wide mouth
Clear vinyl saucer
Potting soil
Ryegrass seed
Undyed hard-boiled eggs
Bunny cookies
Animal figurines
Chocolate eggs
Brown paper bag
Time needed: Weekend Project
1. Fill a clear vinyl saucer with potting soil, sprinkle on a layer of ryegrass seed, cover with a very thin layer of soil, and spritz with water.
2. Keep in a sunny window and spritz daily. It will take 10 days for the grass to reach a few inches high.
3. Place the saucer into the basket.
4. Top the grass with undyed hard-boiled eggs, bunny cookies, animal figurines, and chocolate bunnies.
5. Create a tag for your basket by cutting out a leaf shape from a brown paper bag.
6. Tie it on with a raffia bow.
Other good treats: seed packets, a pocket bird guide, or magnifying glass.