The gift of Duct Tape

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      Buying clever frugal gifts is dangerous for me!!

      Hi everybody,

      This is the first time I have posted. I enjoy reading all the messages and often take notes. Thanks to everyone who shares ideas.

      This is what’s on my mind:

      Like a lot of people, I love giving unique but cheap gifts. This Christmas I am giving all my female relatives vintage aprons with a little note in each one saying why I chose that particular one for the person. The aprons were all $1 or less.

      Today, for example, I went into a thrift store and found four really neat 50s type ones for 60 cents apiece. I love vintage things and it was hard giving these away because I tend to hoard things.

      BUT why I am writing is that I have spent money along the way on other stuff. When I went to my first estate sale, my blood pressure rose sky high as I found all sorts of wonderful embroidered old napkins etc as well as my first aprons.

      I love browsing in thrift stores but while I am finding clever raw material for crafts, cheap wrapping paper,etc, I am leading myself into temptation. Five dollars here, ten dollars there, a little splurge on a $4 waffle iron, $2 yogurt maker, cheap embroidery floss, Christmas decorations for my daughter-in-law, etc, etc add up!

      from the sounds of it a lot of you do shop a lot. my question is, how do you stay frugal while out there especially when you are not at a grocery store with a list??

      i am thinking the best way for me to be frugal is literally to stay away from shopping altogether other than the grocery store.

      [my kids are grown and don’t live at home any more.] i manage to find stuff almost anywhere i go if i look carefully. i think one of my new year’s resolutions will be not to go shopping for frugal items, rather to use what i have and spend more time with those female relatives instead of at value village. this will not be easy for me!!

      any comments or advice?

      thanks in advance and merry christmas.

      j. therese

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