Tell me about Save-a-lot stores…

Budget101 Discussion List Archives Budget101 Discussion List Tell me about Save-a-lot stores…

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    • #260602

      I’ve been to Save a Lot once. The pricing is very similar to Aldi’s.
      They did have a little better selection than aldi’s.

      Original Message
      From: Sharon Young
      Sent: Monday, July 28, 2008 8:49 AM
      Subject: : Re: Tell me about Save-a-lot stores…

      I have to drive about 2 miles farther than where I usually buy
      groceries, to the Sav-a-lot store. That’s not far, but it takes me out
      of my usual “errand” loop. I go there occasionally. They do have some
      really great prices on some things, but not all. You just have to watch
      and know the prices in other stores. Most of their products are “off-
      brand” but probably made by the brand-name manufacturers.
      I go there mainly if we have a bad week money -wise at our house.
      Mostly I shop at Kroger and Walmart and a small neigborhood store that
      has great meat prices.

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Budget101 Discussion List Archives Budget101 Discussion List Tell me about Save-a-lot stores…