T-n-T: Printable Conversion Chart

Budget101 Discussion List Archives Budget101 Discussion List T-n-T: Printable Conversion Chart

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    • #262222

      I hate when I’m cooking and the recipe calls for 50mL and I have to stop and figure out how many cups that is, lol. Here are some handy charts, I printed one and taped it to the inside of the cupboard with my baking supplies/ measuring cups, etc.

      Then I can just quickly open the door, take a peek and keep on cooking with my recipe:

      Metric Conversion Chart

      US Canadian Australian
      1/4 tsp 1 mL 1 ml
      1/2 tsp 2 mL 2 ml
      1 tsp 5 mL 5 ml
      1 Tbl 15 mL 20 ml
      1/4 cup 50 mL 60 ml
      1/3 cup 75 mL 80 ml
      1/2 cup 125 mL 125 ml
      2/3 cup 50 mL 170 ml
      3/4 cup 175 mL 190 ml
      1 cup 250 mL 250 ml
      1 quart 1 liter 1 litre

      1 ounce 30 grams 30 grams
      2 ” 55 ” 60 “
      3 ” 85 ” 90 “
      4 ” 115 ” 125 “
      8 ” 225 ” 225 “
      16 ” 455 ” 500 ” (1/2 kilogram)

      Fahrenheit Celsius
      32 degrees 0 degrees
      212 ” 100 “
      250 ” 120 “
      275 ” 140 “
      300 ” 150 “
      325 ” 160 “
      350 ” 180 “
      375 ” 190 “
      400 ” 200 “
      425 ” 220 “
      450 ” 230 “
      475 ” 240 “
      500 ” 260 “

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Budget101 Discussion List Archives Budget101 Discussion List T-n-T: Printable Conversion Chart