Forgive me if this has already been discussed. i read some old posts from last year, but didn’t directly apply.
I just logged back onto turbo to file my 07 taxes. I loved it last year because it answered all my questions about deductions and best of all it was FREE. The entire thing.
Now, I know that I only got the state filings for free because I had to go to the state gov. website and access turbotax through them. (income has to qualify). BUT, I don’t remember if I did it the same way with the federal.
I’ve surfed around the website for a bit now and can’t find anything like that. The filing going straight through turbo is still free for federal for me, but it won’t answer my questions, I either know the answers or i don’t (don’t get me wrong, its easier than using papers and guess work… I would just like to maximize my return….for FREE)
I’m not crazy, I’ve done it for every year I’ve filed, I’m 22 and I’ve been
filing since I was a freshman in high school. Been using it for 5 years. Guess its finally starting to hit, my memory is going down hill.. I can’t remember what i did last year!
Any help, advice, anyone have the slightest idea what I’m talking about?