So what are your New Years resolutions?

Budget101 Discussion List Archives Budget101 Discussion List So what are your New Years resolutions?

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    • #267036

      I know – I know already??

      I have been thinking about new years resolutions. I do it every year and remarkably, I keep my word to myself. With the exception of a couple times I do good.

      Anyone thought of their resolutions yet?

      Let me know 🙂

    • #404484

      If I make a resolution not to do something, then I am predisposed to doing it, and the other way around. I supposed Murphy’s Law has a controlling interest in there somewhere.

      Actually I’m just hoping to live to the end of time so I can watch the activities from my lawn chair on the front lawn.

    • #404397

      Love it McNerd!!! Awesome why to propose the future… 🙂

    • #404582

      I really don’t make them either. For the same reason, funny how that works

    • #404607

      My new year resolution is no resolutions…I agree with everyone else. Just live life to the fullest.

      Jaime 🙂

    • #404718

      The tradition kinda stuck and I kick myself when I dont stick to something….. LOL

    • #404732

      my only resolution is to be more frugal and spend less money, especially on the grocery budget.

    • #404727

      I agree Niddi!! I hope it works for you!!!

    • #404749

      my new year resolution is to save just a little more.

    • #404762

      i honestly start out kinda small.. nothing i can forget or since it’s a huge goal, i give up hope.. last year, i made it a goal to be nicer to my family..

      *we seem to take advantage of our family and we don’t really say ‘i love you’ as much as we should.* this year it will be to cook more than i have been.. i love cooking, but with the cold weather and moving, i’ve been getting lazy and we’ve been eating fast food a lot. lol

    • #404784

      I too ususally start off small. This year it is very important for me to learn to live on a budget and not say, oh I get paid next week; I can afford this, not really knowing how much that next check is. I have never been rich by any means, but have always let my family live beyond our means.

      no more!! i have already started drew up the budget and am ready to go.


    • #404857
      Janice Terrell

      I agree with mcnerd – Murphys Law nails me every time.

    • #404879

      You have a great sense of humor Janice!!

    • #405412

      My resolution is to get all of my credit cards paid off -no matter what I will have to go without. Also I would love to have more patience with some of my daycare children.
      Bobbi -NE

    • #406608

      ONE of my resolutions is to get ahead of those pesky bills!!! hopefully!!! and not stress so much!!!

    • #406619

      Alot of good ideas here.

      I’ve already started on a resolution. And I don’t usually make one.
      Lynn, as you have said –getting those pesky bills out of the way will be included, along with those credit cards as bcoffey68359, said too.

      This desk of mine will be mine. I’ve already found the perfect calendar to log everything I do bill wise. And it has pockets in it and large blocked squares to log all events in my daily life–it was hard to find, but I was bond to find this ..Next year at this time I should be able to make my own calendar.

      To be more “Organized” is number one with me. Then hopefully everything else will fall into place. :045:

    • #406624

      Nice JoAnn!!

      I want to also work on my procrastination!!

    • #406682

      @faxonfive 96166 wrote:

      Nice JoAnn!!

      I want to also work on my procrastination!!

      oh, come on lynn, you can always do that later. – lol 😉

    • #406761

      My Resolutions are always goal based. What area do I need to work on and accomplish this year? Last year I worked on getting myself to stay on a honest to goodness budget.

      I had a couple rough month’s but I did it at last! (My husband bailed me out for 3 month’s in a row before I got it!) This year our goal is to grow everything we can for the coming year. My whole family is excited and ready for the new year and getting it done with me!

    • #406764

      Rtebalt…that was too funny!!! yeah I might do that later!! 🙂

    • #406887

      Oh bless you bcoffey, I worked in a daycare and had 11 two-year-olds. It was so hard because they were all on such different levels.

      I don’t do resolutions either but I am trying hard to learn how to say “NO!” to people. Sometimes I overwhelm myself with obligations.

    • #406915

      to keep going on my little stuff

      menu plan (this saves me money, time and calories – cause i plan healthier meals), i am starting on jan already lol

      meds – i have been pretty good with this one, the pain meds have made this year the best in over 15 years .. I can actually move around

      exercise – since the meds are helping hoping to get more exercise .. last year i was able to work in the yard and i did loose weight, so far its pretty much stayed off

      breakfast – i am not good at this one, but since i am making my husbands (to go for work) i think i will make extra for myself .. if i eat breakfast maybe i can get my metabolism back up instead of in sloth mode .. (i only eat one meal a day)

      continue cleaning – down to one kid and he’s going to be 20 in Jan. I have been getting rid of stuff, continue with this.
      Need to get some more drill buddies to keep on track

      spend more time with dh – its so easy after 5 kids to be stuck in a rut .. I need to make time with Bert one on one, its so weird not having kids everywhere.


    • #406917

      I don’t set traditional New Years resolutions, however I do try and set short and long term goals. I also reflect on how the past year has been, to see where in my life I still need improvement. Here’s some examples:

      I love learning, so every year I try and learn a skill that I didn’t have. This past year I’ve learned how to cook. I feel that I am starting to leave the beginner stage and that I can tackle more difficult recipes.

      This year I want to learn how to can food, and expand further on my cooking skills.

      I am still trying to learn how to keep house. I am not all there yet, but there has been a marked improvement on the house. This is one to just continue as is.

      I “know” how to live frugally at this point. I just need to apply some of the skills that I’ve been holding back on. Convenience is my biggest downfall, and one that I will focus on.

      Now that I’m developing cooking skills, I want to eat healthier.

      This is the type of thing that I do. It is not as restrictive as resolutions usually are and it works for me.


      **Next Christmas I will NOT stretch myself as thin as I’ve done this year. I can’t handle it**

    • #406932


      You go girl, One step at a time–learning is what it’s about..

    • #429408

      My New Year Resolution is, Why wait until the new Year to make changes, I’ve already starting working out again, watching our spending and budgeting my time more efficiently.

    • #429409

      My Resolution is to continue living for another year. That gets to be important the older you get.

    • #429413

      @mcnerd 155981 wrote:

      My Resolution is to continue living for another year. That gets to be important the older you get.

      hehehe, that one is pretty important regardless of your age. We recently had the opportunity to spend time with family we haven’t seen in AGES – we were chatting about this very same thing. My sis in law had a triple bipass at age 37. Luckily she’s okay, but You just never know when your time is up. Live every day like it could be your last and don’t wait for “retirement” to enjoy your life or do the things you want to do/see. That’s our motto.

    • #429414

      This year I am not making any resolutions, but rather a life style change. I am going to “Pay it Forward” one small act of kindness each day 🙂

    • #429416

      I have a few.. the basics are lose weight, stop smoking, and exercise.

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Budget101 Discussion List Archives Budget101 Discussion List So what are your New Years resolutions?