Smiley’s when replying to posts

Budget101 Discussion List Archives Budget101 Discussion List Smiley’s when replying to posts

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    • #310140

      How are you guys getting smileys into your REPLIES. I do not have these for replies, only when posting a new post/topic. Are you opening a new post window and copying it from there?????????


    • #433557

      I don’t know how anyone else does it, or maybe I’m doing it wrong, but I click on “go advanced” when I’m replying, then you can find the emoticon you’re looking for.
      marionette smilie
      Then either preview post or submit reply. 🙂

    • #433561

      two centsI thought maybe somehow I turned something off in my “settings”. As you can see I tried it your way showered with love

    • #433579

      Oh…I honestly didn’t even realize we could turn them on or off in our settings. :/
      Good Grief…I’m SO technologically challenged. BORED1 smilie

    • #433584

      @MrsPaws 249169 wrote:

      Oh…I honestly didn’t even realize we could turn them on or off in our settings. :/
      Good Grief…I’m SO technologically challenged. BORED1 smilie

      Not sure if you can or not, but if it IS possible (probally not, but with me anything can happen).

    • #433604

      @jkpjohnson 249176 wrote:

      Not sure if you can or not, but if it IS possible (probally not, but with me anything can happen).

      Oh, that is SO ME!! lol

    • #433608

      @jkpjohnson 249176 wrote:

      Not sure if you can or not, but if it IS possible (probally not, but with me anything can happen).

      Don’t feel bad guys, I’ve been working with this platform for the last 8 years in one form or another and every single DAY I find something new that I had no idea was even there. It might look fine in Firefox or Chrome but then someone will say, “How come I don’t have permission to do such and such” and then I discover that I accidentally shut it off for Internet Explorer Users.

      I’ll get a tech support email and be sitting in front of the computer until 2 or 3 in the morning squawking at the screen because I can’t figure out how to fix it. Did I mention DH is literally building me a sound-proof office because of this reason? It’s part of our on-going construction, lol.

    • #433607
      Melissa Burnell

      @jkpjohnson 248815 wrote:

      two centsI thought maybe somehow I turned something off in my “settings”. As you can see I tried it your way showered with love

      The reason there are 2 options, basic/advanced, is load speed. The basic page loads quicker- I’ve thought about altering the code of it to get it to show some smileys, but It’s hard to keep the load speed quick. As it stands each page in the site is almost 1 full Mb!
      I’ll get some neat idea and after I add it, I have to remove it for speed or server issues. Grrrr… I wish I had Yahoo or Google’s Server!!! money1 smilie

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Budget101 Discussion List Archives Budget101 Discussion List Smiley’s when replying to posts