I do re-use my bottles but didn’t think of all these great ideas.
I did save a nice size… well… on the small side container that had a productmy companydoesn’t make anymore
it looks to me like a miniature bucket but with a lid so I washed it out and figured we could save change
in it or hubbie could use it in the garage.
So thanks for sharing your ideas they’re great and I do have lots of
empty pill bottles and will use them more. I tend not to throw them away anyway so now I’ve found more uses. 😀
Elizabeth Farnsworth
Shaklee Independent Health & Wellness Distributor
Original Message
From: whomeworry@webtv.net
Date: 7/22/2008 9:15:14 am
happiness is not so much in having as sharing.we make a living by what
we get but we make a life by what we give.