Should I refinance house?

Budget101 Discussion List Archives Budget101 Discussion List Should I refinance house?

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    • #261962

      Thanx for ideas! I did not want to take a second loan on for a car right now. I wanted money to pay off some bills and work on my house too.

      A car loan would only be based on the value of the car. My daughter has been thru a lot and I want to help her get back to work and a normal life. I refinanced about 7 years ago and switched from a 30 yr to a 15 yr mortgage, and took money out for remodeling.

      Before leaving my job I had excellent credit. And have still since only ever been late on my mortgage by one payment. I would expect my payment to go up some, but wouldn’t the interest rate still be lower than a home equity loan?

      Or a seperate car loan? Thanx again!

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Budget101 Discussion List Archives Budget101 Discussion List Should I refinance house?