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- This topic has 58 replies, 48 voices, and was last updated October 5, 2013 at 11:12 am by .
September 23, 2013 at 6:46 pm #323065
Melissa Burnell
We’re issuing a new Budget101 Challenge, one of our members has PM’d me and her child has an opportunity to travel overseas to Spain for a class trip. Each of the 18 students must raise $3,700 in order to attend the trip.
Share your best Fundraising Ideas (be as detailed as possible!) for a chance to win a $50 Amazon Gift Card. (See, it really is a fundraiser!)
1. They have 3 Months to Raise the Money
2. High School Students, mostly juniors/seniors
3.They are fundraising on their own as well as with the school.
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September 23, 2013 at 7:45 pm #444023
More info please. When is the trip, how long do they have to raise the money, will they be working as a group or are they on their own? What is the age of the children and just how hard are they willing to work?
September 23, 2013 at 8:54 pm #444026
Many moons ago, a local class hooked up with a local Avon Rep, and they had a fantastic fundraiser.
At the time, Avon offered schools or groups some kind of deal…from what I remember of that one, it was a pretty lucrative deal for both the Rep and class. They easily reached the needed goals.
I honestly don’t know if that program is still in place.
Isn’t ‘Mos’ involved with Avon? I’m sure she would know… -
September 23, 2013 at 9:09 pm #444027
Oh, Liss, this is right up my alley
Have the person contact Avon for her closest representative! Avon has numerous fund-raising programs. It is a known product — if nothing else for Skin So Soft
I have sponsored several projects like this and have helped a lot of causes — from personal health conditions to school projects. The funds raised were $300-$10,000 — depending on the project. Have the person go to Avon.com and select ‘Find a Representative,’ then select ‘Recommend a Representative Near Me.’
She just needs to follow the prompts and she’ll be given a list of people in her area. Suggest that she contact all and state what she needs to do. Not all reps will do fund-raisers as they are little nervous.
AND thanks Mrs. Paws for remembering and thinking of me… -
September 24, 2013 at 12:10 am #444037
Every Halloween our church puts on a Harvest Festival as a safe, fun alternative with Christian values. When my husband and I were the Children’s Ministry Directors we noticed that at times it was difficult to get enough adult volunteers and sometimes the event lacks the teens and young adults.
We decided that every ministry in the church could have their own booth (donation $5 to Children’s ministries – the fundraiser wasn’t for us, it was for the ministries sponsoring booths – we just covered the candy and goodie bag costs for the kids with the $5 booth charge)
By the end of the night Prison Ministries won with their booth appropriately decorated like a prison cell and a handcuff toss game, that the kids just loved. The Youth group came in second, and even though they didn’t win, there were people of all generations present. Prison Ministries received all of the money, including the bills.
In one night, with a small church, several hundred dollars was raised.
Give it a try!
As a fundraiser to benefit individuals – get a school or church involved and make it a carnival theme, sell hot dogs, nachos and soda and all money can be split evenly between the students going on the trip – works for trips to DC, or any other trip and lots of fun!
September 24, 2013 at 12:31 am #444039
There are also Jewelry Parties, and other product Parties that can be done online. Benefits are no collecting, and no delivery of the products for website orders. If you collect the product cost and tax in advance, your representative can put in the order as part of the fundraiser to ship to the customer.
Major credit cards (except American Express) and PayPal are accepted on the Representative’s website.
September 24, 2013 at 1:00 am #444040
Many of our schools will sell pies from a local cafeteria that is very well known in the are. the pies are made and frozen and sold. the school gets 25%.
2 years ago, the cafeteria had issues and couldn’t supply the pies so they went to GFS. they were given order forms and the hole 9 yards. the pies were much better than the cafeteria.
you can build your own with no up front cost. if they don’t want to do a one for just her. tell them she runs a daycare and they are raising money for the daycare… i have always had my kids in an in-home day care and we always had fundraisers.
if that doesn’t work, you could make your own order sheet, sell the pies at a mark up and then buy them from gfs.
September 24, 2013 at 5:56 am #444043
Spaghetti dinners are always good. Collecting cans…it adds up. A penny drive.
50/50 raffles.
September 24, 2013 at 10:43 am #444045
Spaghetti dinners are always good. Collecting cans…it adds up. A penny drive.
50/50 raffles.
September 24, 2013 at 10:59 am #444046
I don’t really know of any fundraising ideas in particular but I do know of some fundraising tips that work on every fundraiser:
- know who your target audience is- are you selling whatever it is to high schoolers, parents, or a bunch of grandmas
- foot traffic- you need foot traffic so organize the fundraiser around other events like craft shows, fairs, carnivals, sports games, etc- the more people that see it the better off you are
- be specific- dont generalize and say things like “bake sale’ say something like “costa rican trip of a lifetime bake sale”- you want people to know what and who they are helping and why. nothing turns me off faster than when i go to the grocery store and there are little beggars on the sidewalk trying to sell stuff and you have to stop and ask what it’s even for
- be detailed- make sure things are well organized, have plenty of bright easy to read signs and lots of kids helping out
- set mini-goals- especially if you have a large amount of money you have to raise
- itemize expenses- if you have something showing an itemized list of expenses for the trip you will get more donations because people will know exactly what their money is going to and it won’t seem like a wasted dollar to them
- always emphasize your cause- whether your selling food/drinks at an event, etc
- make a facebook page for the cause with a link for people to donate digitally
hopefully these tips will help your fundraiser!
September 24, 2013 at 1:38 pm #444048
Car wash, bake sale (people always like food)
September 24, 2013 at 3:40 pm #444053
I do fundraisers all the time! there are many that you can do.. for high volume return.
Almost all direct sales companies will do them. just make sure that your initial investment is worth the return.
September 24, 2013 at 11:16 pm #444061
Best fundraiser ever….It always seems that us moms are doing all the hard work so why not make it something we will enjoy. COACH purse raffle. Yes a lot of investment up front $200 for purse and wallet and scarf (of course using a coupon, now available on facebook).
We just did this with my sons football team and made $750 after the cost of the purse. You can also use this same concept to raffle off an IPAD mini. Friend is doing this for her sons bball team and they are already over $800 in a week.
Utilize facebook and all your friends and family. Good Luck!!!
September 25, 2013 at 12:47 pm #444066
Our fundraiser is to organise a baking competition where the cakes are sold after being judged and the winner gets part of the sales money as a prize.The entry fees and the rest of the sales money are for the school.
It does’nt need any funds to start off and the prize intices more people to enter.
All the best in your venture. -
September 25, 2013 at 1:39 pm #444069
What about a school wide penny war? Classroom against classroom. Each classroom decorates their own jar.
For every penny you have in your jar you get a point…for every silver amount you subtract points (example…a quarter is -25 points). The idea is to fill your own jar up with pennies for points and your opponent’s jar with silver (to take away points). A little friendly competition and bragging rights could get the whole school bringing in their loose change.
1/2 and 1/2 raffles are good. They involve very little investment (cost of raffle tickets) which you can make yourself. The more you sell the bigger the jackpot…winner gets half the amount raised, the other half to your cause.
It also depends where you live…we live in a pretty rural area…so it is quite safe for our kids to set up car washes, door-to-door empty can drive etc… I wouldn’t want to do that in the inner city however 🙂
September 25, 2013 at 2:43 pm #444074
You could host a Coffee House Poetry Slam, these seem to be getting really popular. If you know someone that has an espresso machine (or if you can rent one cheaply) you can serve espressos, lattes, flavored syrups,regular coffee etc. Set up a karoake mic and invite members of the crowd to recite their favorite poem (their own or another authors).
Charge a cover fee for coming or just mark up the espressos and pastries.
September 25, 2013 at 3:01 pm #444076
What an awesome opportunity for the kids! There are several ways they can fund raise. One way is to approach local businesses and seek sponsorship funding to help the kids meet the goals.
Another is to ask for permission to fund raise at the local big chain stores as a team, people that don’t normally get to help would love an opportunity to give there 50 cents to a worthy cause when asked.
For instance with this fund raiser they could do a Walk to Spain fundraiser, for every mile they walk they would recieve a donation of $$ for their efforts. If the quota is 1 miles (for every 1000) they could start with $0.20 cents a mile donation. If the student walked 10 miles over the next 3 months (or however long they have) the donator for the $.20 cents/mile has now donated $2.00.
Twenty donations of $2.00 is $40.00 toward the trip and 20 kids making $40.00 is $800.00. This will add up quickly.
Good Luck!
September 25, 2013 at 4:46 pm #444079
When my son went to Italy for his junior year, we raised money the old fashioned way…he got a part time job and saved every penny. If you don’t have that much time however, a holiday craft or rummage sale is a great idea. Call vendors and let them purchase a table on which to display their merchandise for a set price.
You get tickets and for each person that goes and uses a ticket part of their check is donated back to you. 99, texas roadhouse, and Uno’s are options. Good Luck!
September 25, 2013 at 8:37 pm #444085
Of course a Budget 101 household/recipe book a perfecy wedding shower gift
September 25, 2013 at 9:41 pm #444089
September 25, 2013 at 10:48 pm #444091
Canvas rental complexes- preferably- on Saturday or Sunday near the lunch or dinner hour by selling candy bars or candy in bags or boxes .People who are working outside-gardening,washing their car, sunning,sitting etc… will be willing to buy a candy box or bar for a quick pick me up.This works great/best with town homes or condos-adults can follow along on foot or car for supervision.
September 26, 2013 at 8:22 am #444114
1. Set up a gofundme.com fundraising page for your group. You can then use facebook to link your page and explain that your raising money for your group trip to Spain.
2. Hold a bake sale with traditional baked goods like they have in Spain. Make sure to use big colorful signs to attract peoples attention.
Have at least one sign that explains exactly what you are raising money for.
4. Ask around at local businesses to see if they would be willing to donate an item, basket or gift card and hold a raffle. You could also hold a spaghetti feed (donations only for their plate of spaghetti) and have the drawing for the raffle prizes at that time also.
5. Depending on the weather, hold a car wash. Make sure to have those big colorful signs with you and have some kids out by the road, holding the signs to attract people.
Good Luck!!!
September 26, 2013 at 10:21 am #444375
This one is really popular at schools- let the seniors auction themselves off to play the role of a butler for a day.
- greet their “employers” as they arrive at school
- carry books around
- Go Get lunch
- Open Doors for them
You’ll need to find a group of volunteers willing to do this such as the football team, cheerleading team, Spanish Club etc, and you can then auction them off to the highest bidder.
Decide whether the butlers will have to dress a certain way- silly garb, suits and ties, etc before hand and lay down some rules- no test taking, for example.
September 26, 2013 at 10:31 am #444117
We actually just took our dog to a “Dog Wash” Fundraiser a few weeks ago. It cost us $10 and we were thrilled to have a nice clean dog afterwards. The kids that put on the event put a tarp down then towels on the tarp so the dogs wouldn’t slip around.
It was still fairly warm out so I don’t know how well this would work in the fall now unless they had a place to do it indoors. Some kids were walking dogs, others were washing, others were drying & brushing. Just a thought!
September 26, 2013 at 12:14 pm #444118
September 26, 2013 at 1:12 pm #444123
Give someone the chance to win a free homemade dinner of your kitchen 50 first prize. Homemade cakes for the next 25. Win starters for a month.
You get the picture. I hope you like this idea. You must have some help you do this.
September 26, 2013 at 2:12 pm #444125
They have it where you can purchase a game bracelette that is good for so many activities, or you can pay per activity. A fall carnival would be well timed.
September 26, 2013 at 8:21 pm #444135
Get with a local restaurant that will have a certain night set aside that every dinner sold will give cash to the students. This can be a community event with fliers. I know that Fuddruckers does this.
September 26, 2013 at 9:49 pm #444139
One of the easiest fundraiser ideas, I learned from a good friend. We spend our spare time during the week making up all kinds of goodies for a bake sale. We set up a table on the sidewalk outside of church.
We put our wares up right before church is out and within about 15 minutes, we are sold out. The thing that is really nice is that, start to finish, the selling part only takes 20 minutes and the work of baking is spread amongst many families. Granted my kids go to a parochial school that is partially funded by the church so it works out well for us.
It is very well supported by the students and the parents. We easily make $50 in about 20 minutes (there are approximately 80 students). We live in a small town “where everybody knows your name,” so after school, the students go to businesses downtown and sell whatever may be leftover.
We also sometimes freeze leftover bake items for the next week.
September 26, 2013 at 9:59 pm #444140
They charged for entering the chili and voting on the chili. The students also donated condiments, and we used our school’s kitchen. All the chili was donated so there were no expenses involved.
September 26, 2013 at 10:07 pm #444141
I know I’ve already posted a couple of ideas, but I have another great idea that we have used several times for fundraising. We put the word out that we are looking for items for a charity yard sale. It’s unbelievable how many things are donated. Sometimes we indicated that the price is by donation (whatever the purchaser wants to give) but you do get taken on that by some people. On the other hand, you run across many people who are willing to pay a reasonable price and then give an additional donation to boot. It does take some organization but for very little expense, you have the potential to make a good sum. We made over $2000 for a senior fun night fundraiser all with donated items. Any leftover items can be donated to a local thrift shop.
September 27, 2013 at 12:45 am #444143
What is a penny drive? Do you have to have a permit for a 50/50 raffle, here that’s considered gambling. . .
A penny drive is just to request that student, teachers, communities members, etc. donate their loose pennies (though we ask for loose change). It’s amazing how much can be collecting. Some people collect change, and look forward to the opportunity to donate it to a worthy cause. It saves them counting and rolling – though the truth is that you can just take it to a bank, and they can dump it into a change sorter. We have even had students go door to door in our community (small town). We can have 50/50 raffles in Idaho (or at least we do it and have never had a problem). The students do it quite often at basketball games.
September 27, 2013 at 3:48 pm #444162
September 27, 2013 at 8:58 pm #444177
A while back my daughter’s school needed to do a fundraiser. My mom and I were making soy candles at the time and hooked up with our supplier and we hosted a fundraiser. The kids did an amazing job selling the candles and made more money than they needed. The only drawback to this was that the kids didn’t get the standard rewards like a lot of the standard fundraisers offered. So for every milestone the kids, as a group, met we did a class pizza party, an ice cream social, a movie day, things like that. This way everyone benefited and no one left out.
Here is a site that does soy candle fundraisers: Soy Candle Fundraising It seems that there are a lot of them out there. I have to admit that I really like the soy candles better due to the fact that they are a sustainable product, burn at lower temperatures and you can use the melted was as a lotion LOL.
Just a few ideas.
September 27, 2013 at 9:32 pm #444179
I think an excellent fundraiser is a MOVIE NIGHT. Use your church that more than likely has a projection system. charge $2 to get in and $1 popcorn and $1 drinks. It’s almost all profit!
September 27, 2013 at 9:48 pm #444180
September 27, 2013 at 10:44 pm #444181
One more fundraiser and then I’ll stop….I think. Check out donorschoose.org. The music teacher at our public middle and high schools uses donorchoose.org quite regularly to fund her projects. Often, there will be a matching offer so that whatever is donate to the cause is matched requiring us to only have to raise half the amount needed for the project. I have not been closely involved in this fundraising, but she has done it about four times over the past two years. Every project has been fully funded. I took a look at the sight. The matching offers vary by state. There are rules and requirements for funding projects for public schools but field trips was on the list. I’m not sure if this is actually a field trip, but it would be worth a look.
September 28, 2013 at 4:54 pm #444193
As the Second Vice Commander for our local American Legion, it is part of my job to hold fundraisers. The past three years we have held highly successful golf tournaments. The last tournament raised about 10,000 dollars. My husband and i have a hot dog cart that we donate food from, about 50 businesses in the area donate items for the golfers, and the round of golf includes a cart and greens fees. We get together when it is over and celebrate with prizes and food for everyone. It isn’t the easiest of events to put together, but if you have enough golfers in the area, it can be done!
September 28, 2013 at 7:01 pm #444201
September 28, 2013 at 9:29 pm #444205
A quesadilla booth at a fair. White or wheat tortillas. Cooked ground beef and/or canned chicken (from Sam’s) with taco seasoning. Pre shredded cheese, salsa, guacamole, sour cream, jalapenos and shredded lettuce. pre portion condiments in salad dressing containers with covers and store in iced coolers. Pre cook meat (usually has to be done on site) and hold in crock pots. Get a gas grill with a side burner to cook the meat onsite. Line grates with heavy duty aluminum foil. Here you will heat the quesadillas and melt the cheese. Put tortilla with melted cheese, add a scoop full of cooked meat, fold in half and cut in thirds. Put shredded lettuce on the empty side of plate and add condiments as requested. We sold these as a school fund raiser this summer. We charged $5 each (we probably could have charged more). We sold out in three hours – 200 hundred quesadillas. Ages 10-70 worked the booth. After deducting our original costs, we earned close to $700. You will need a food permit from the dept of health. They’re a little tedious at first but keep copies of your paper work and it’s much easier the next time. Also, Dept of Health will waive fees if it’s educationally based and try and get a tax exempt # too. I use my school’s. Good luck! Buena Suerte.
September 28, 2013 at 9:33 pm #444206
A French fry booth. Get a fryer with veg oil to use on site. We live on the Canadian border so “Poutine” is very popular up here. French fries with melted cheese (mozzarella works well, cheese curd is more traditional) and brown gravy. Also offer chili and the liquid can cheese bought in bulk. Gravy, chili and cheese can be held in crock pots. Fry your fries, offer the toppings and serve chaud (French for hot). I haven’t tried this one yet but I really think it would work. Food permit required.
September 29, 2013 at 3:02 am #444212
Also, the school had a tax deductable donation pamphlet we could take to get people to donate money and have up to $250 deducted from taxes, which was most effective on family members and close friends.
There was a Oktober Fest that we could volunteer to work the booths for. The city, or whoever put the festival on, paid the band for the shifts we worked, but they saved $ by not having to pay full wage because we were “volunteering”, but we raised money, each student got a certain amount per hour they worked.
For a camp I went to, some girls would sell baked goods by passing around an order form and filling the orders, like cookies by the dozen, pies, and so on.
Hopefully something in there helps :o) -
September 29, 2013 at 5:57 am #444220
Hey there! My children aren’t HS age yet. But I do have a fundraiser idea that could work for any age group. My daughters’ dance studio boosters just recently held a fundraising yard/bake sale all in one day. I don’t know if yard sales are a popular thing in the area of the challenge seeker’s but this is the best time of year where I’m from to do them especially with all the fall festivals and milder weather.
Have items donated by all the students and their families. Person in charge will need to send home flyers with details about what to donate (don’t forget to include the baked goods). Pick a traffic heavy location, maybe the high school. This is also the time of year for homecoming weekends–lots of traffic at the high schools then! Get all the students involved but have one central cash station/check out area and extra table by check out area for the baked goods.
Only drawback might be what to do with the extra stuff at the end of the day so be specific about the donated items coming in–that people should only bring stuff that they do NOT plan to have returned. Just in case you want to donate all unsold items to local shelters. Same thing with the baked goods. Be sure to remind folks to bring baked goods in disposable containers that they do NOT want returned. It will take some planning but could be quite worth it. If the money is not going into a collective pot then you could color code the items at the sale or just have a huge parking lot sale full of individual sellers. -
September 29, 2013 at 7:33 am #444221
September 29, 2013 at 1:42 pm #444219
Some of the best ways to raise money is to use different types of resources. One of our local schools actually contacted the local newspaper who wrote and article and received grants through donations by the public to obtain a trip for the children at a school.
September 29, 2013 at 1:53 pm #444226
Be careful how much time is spent on little bits of fundraising. While selling items like candy bars will raise a little bit, it takes a lot to raise money with small dollar amounts. My husband and I wrote a book on cost savings called Stop Wasting Money.
Our book is Stop Wasting Money Book. Another idea is ask for everyone that uses aluminum cans or donation of other metal extra items and take them to a paid recycling place. If someone is planning to buy a new refrigerator or stove that can amount to a lot of metal also.
Another idea is a multifamily yard sale with proceeds donated to the trip. One of our schools does this yearly with the money gong towards something for the children to attend. Thinking outside the typical fundraising item can provide more attention and more attention can mean more money.
September 29, 2013 at 3:45 pm #444234
September 29, 2013 at 5:57 pm #444237
See if your local transit company has a bus you may borrow. Fill it with Balloons and sell tickets to see who gets the right or closest number of balloons in the bus! (or a school bus)
a company online Mabels labels they do fundraising and it sounds like a great idea
September 30, 2013 at 7:30 am #444251
Have the students choose a “pick-up” day when people can put the items at their mailbox, front door, etc. The students then pick up the items and then have the sale on a specific day, advertised on craigslist, with flyers etc. Promote how people will have FREE pick-up of their unwanted items, and it will go to a good cause!
All unsold items can go to charity afterwards. Clutter reduction and free pick-up for the people who donate, money from the sale for the students, and charity recieves unsold items. It’s a win/win/win 😀
October 1, 2013 at 3:26 pm #444283
He calmly builds a fire, places the stone in a pot of water and starts commenting on how the soup will be., but how much better it would be with a bone, bit of meat, potato, carrot, etc. One by one the villagers add the other ingredients and all share a wonderful supper! My youth group would perform the skit on one Sunday, then invite the congregation (villagers) to bring 1 thing for the soup pot on the next Sunday.
The youth sort the gifts and decide what soups to make–we made sure one soup was vegan. While the soups were simmering, I taught the kids how to make fresh bread in the shape of stones (use a pie plate instead of loaf pan). We served all the villagers that evening with tons of soup, bread, and beverages.
October 1, 2013 at 3:33 pm #444285
We’ve always had good luck with bowling fund raisers. The local bowling alley will usually rent the lanes for almost nothing. $25 couple entry fee.
Also have a fifty-fifty raffle, donated gift basket raffle, and strike pot tickets at the end of each of the games.
October 1, 2013 at 7:23 pm #444295
It was very elegant, but not “stuffy” as everyone had a great time visiting and sampling. There was plenty of chocolate left at the end of the event and boxes were sold for an additional $10 each for people to fill on their way out. Much money was raised for this fund-raising event and everyone had a great time.
There were so many people that it was difficult to find a parking place outside! I know this would not be for every vicinity, but it worked well for our.
The billing read as follows:
“Join us for an evening of sparkling champagne, specialty chocolates, silent auction, artistic chairs auction, and bags of jewels. Tickets are $20.00 in advance or $25.00 at the door. -
October 1, 2013 at 7:31 pm #444296
Our Parent-Teachers Organization has an annual garage sale in the gym every year. Parents and community members bring in tons of stuff, lots of clothes, toys, books, cookware, even appliances for two weeks prior to the sale. everything must be gently used, clean, and in working condition.
the sales starts on friday and ends saturday evening. it is highly advertised for both donations and the sale dates. volunteer parents come in to sort, organize and sell.
whatever does not sell is donated to a local charity. -
October 2, 2013 at 5:36 am #444308
Leslie AK
The best fundraiser I did was pizza, but the catch was that I have Sam’s club make all the pizza’s. NOT the take and bake ones. Actually go to the lunch counter and order all the pizza’s but tell them not to bake them.
There pizza’s are anywhere from 9.99 to 12.95. if you charge a even 18.00 for each one, you have made a profit without any work but ordering and delivery. I have found that most people will pay that much when it involves kids.
October 2, 2013 at 5:40 am #444309
Leslie AK
This is from my husband: get the local law enforcement, fire fighters. with regardes to the law enforcement have them mock arrest somebody for a fee. go the whole nine yards hand cuffs etc.
and just take the person for a little ride and let them go. for the fire department rides in fire trucks etc.
October 2, 2013 at 4:39 pm #444325
Another big one we did was to have a silent auction on baked goods. This was done in conjunction with a bake sale. Find an event and see if you can share the space then have many different baked goods people can bid on
October 3, 2013 at 10:47 am #444344
we just did a kickball tournament for our adoption- it was $10 a person to play and we had 2 games going at a time, so four teams. Everyone brought potluck desserts. We also had a donation jar set up and we raised $1000. It was a really fun time and people felt like they were really getting something for their money too.
October 3, 2013 at 10:51 am #444345
You could buy tickets, and then every item had a “ticket price” and you dropped however many it required into the envelope for each prize. There were some funny stories with some of the prizes and it was really fun seeing who one what. They made over $2000 in just a couple hours with hardly any cost to them
October 3, 2013 at 9:34 pm #444355
This may sound corny, but you can go to the fabric store and purchase fleece the yard for around $5.00. Cut the fleece in 9 inch wide strips and fringe 3 inches on each end. Sell each scarf for $5.
October 5, 2013 at 11:12 am #444376
Melissa Burnell
Thank you all for the Fabulous Fundraiser Ideas! Our randomly selected lucky recipient out of all the entries was #23 Jvallaincrt! Congratulations!
Congratulations and thank you to everyone that participated! Good Luck on the Next Challenge!
how are challenge winners selected? Read More Here
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› Budget101 Discussion List Archives › Budget101 Discussion List › Share your Best Fundraiser Ideas