Red roses are the number one (make that only) choice of flowers to send to the lady love of your life. The meaning of the red rose is ‘love and passion’ but roses are available in different colors and each color has a special meaning.
You might send yellow roses to your parents. Yellow roses symbolize warmth and happiness. Your parents provided you with warmth and happiness for all of your growing-up years so you (both sons and daughters) should send yellow roses to parents on Valentine’s Day this year.
If you have a young daughter or a young niece or God daughter that you want to remember on Valentine’s Day, send her white roses.
White roses symbolize “purity and innocence”. They are the perfect flower to send to the young girls in your life.
Send pink roses to your grandparents. Pink roses symbolize grace and elegance. Your grandparents are graceful and elegant so tell them that you love them with a bouquet of pink roses on Valentine’s Day.
Different kinds of roses also have significance. A bouquet of petite roses symbolizes affection. Petite roses are also known as sweetheart roses.
single long stemmed rose says, “Thank you” or “Good job”.
Send roses for Valentine’s Day and choose the ones that will deliver the right message to each person in your life that you care about.