removing gamie taste from venison

Budget101 Discussion List Archives Budget101 Discussion List removing gamie taste from venison

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    • #271829

      Hey guys, we just had a venison roast, ribs and steak given to us. My question is this, How do we go about removing the gamie taste? I know the tricks of soaking in buttermilk and read in a post about removing the fat.

      But money is tight at the moment so can’t soak in buttermilk and it is already frozen so removing the fat before freezing is not an option.

      Also my boyfriend is a little on the paranoid side and is wondering how we can tell if the meat is good(i.e. not left out in the heat too long etc) since we didnt get this one ourselves. Any ideas on either one of this situations?:?


    • #418097

      Yummmmm! I’m envious – I miss venison – haven’t had any since we left WV six years ago.

      We always soaked in milk, not buttermilk – and powdered milk worked just as well as regular.

      As far as the question of whether the meat was left out too long – I don’t know, beyond the sniff/look tests.

    • #418103

      Hmm, well I know of the buttermilk trick. Or what if you were to soak it in a marinade overnight. Wonder if that would help any?

      It would be worth a try. And as for if it’s good or not. Well I would think that you could tell by the smell or look of it if it was bad or not.

      On site that I like to look up things on is You can find almost anything on there. Might try it and see if you can find anything on there.

      Good Luck.

    • #418108

      We will usually marinade overnight and as for it being good or not, Like Tonia said

      well i would think that you could tell by the smell or look of it if it was bad or not

      and the texture — does it have a sticky feeling ? (when it’s thawed out of course). i would only acccept something like this from someone i knew, as well.

      not knowing who’s hands this meat has been in, is another story (hunting & proccessing) ect.. to many unanwsered questions here..

    • #418151

      First of all, YUM! I love venison, but I too am not too keen on the Game taste, which can actually come from ill-prepared meat. It’s not that meat isn’t perfectly safe to eat, generally an over-gamey taste is due to someone not skinning the deer well. (They have glans which particularly on the legs, which should not be handled when skinning).

      Anyway, back to your question…. To make the most delicious, melt in your mouth roast that you’ve ever had, take a Lg Can of V8 juice, 1 pkg of Lipton Onion Soup Mix and 1 roast and 2 onions quartered.
      Rinse the roast under cool water, place the roast and the other 2 ingredients in the crockpot, cook on medium all day. Late in the afternoon add washed/chunked potatoes & carrots.

      This is SO Good even my picky-ass mother loved it, (well, until I made the mistake of telling her what it was).

      That’s a whole other post.


    • #418152

      I almost forgot, you can tell whether venison is safe the same way you tell if beef is safe, color, smell, texture.
      Good meats have very little odor. Smell the meat. It should not have a thin slimy coat and color should be rich and natural (not dark,) it should be firm to the touch and not soft mushy.

    • #418160

      ribs: oh man i am so envious .. first off (if you ever get a fresh deer again) the ribs boiled up in water, cook down, it’ll start to come off the bone (help it along) .. drain then add bbq sauce and cook down more and make venison pull sandwiches ..

      oh man goood eats .. never freeze ribs because its going to be harder to get the bone taste from it

      so since you had nothing to do with it .. rinse down in vinegar (its close to skin and this helps get off any hair that might have gotten left on) .. cut off any fat once thawed ..

      boil up in water – then drain about half through – add fresh water, milk of any kind (powdered creamer will work in a pinch) .. cook till its almost starting to pull off – then proceed as above ..

      roasts & steaks: rinse with vinegar .. you can marinade in milk .. cook in crockpot with potatoes & veg

      misc: if the deer ran, and they had to track it – it will have an adreneline rush which does change the taste and smell of the meat (even after freezing)

      once it thaws – cut off as much of the fat as possible

      if you thaw in water or milk it will help with the taste if its too wild ..

      personally i wash down meat with vinegar first, rinse well.

      i butcher the meat here at the house .. i always triple wrap, it may sound excessive to some but venison is not something you can replace at local store because it got freezer burn .. plus i figure i/or family killed it, we owe it the honor of treating it with respect for suppling us with food.


    • #418232

      Thanks guys the roast has passed the test and tomorrow we are having venison roast. I can’t wait.

    • #418234

      lucky you. venison roast. yummy. Hope it turns out great for you.

      We have friends who hunt and process their own and will generously give us some of the deerburger and sausage they make with it. Have also given us a roast some time ago and I never detected a gamey taste. I always thought it has something to do with the way they processed it and Hslinks just confirmed my theory.

      (years ago DH brougt some home that the guys cooked at work and I didn’t care for it at all, definite gamey taste)


      you are so right, not something you can just buy at your local store,
      do you made jerky with it???? I tasted some this couple made and it was sooooo good.
      They also hunt hog and just gave us some hog ribs and suggested we cook them in the smoker. I can hardly wait to try that.

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Budget101 Discussion List Archives Budget101 Discussion List removing gamie taste from venison