RAOK- Paying it Forward

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    • #262478

      RAOK- Random Acts of Kindness
      I was in town this morning and went through the drive-through at Dunkin Donuts, the lady in front of me paid for my tea. So a little later in the day, after I was done running errands, I needed gas. I stopped at the station (self serve) and was pumping my gas when an elderly lady pulled up, so I pumped her gas. She was so happy about it, I thought I’d stay there a bit longer.

      LOL, you wouldn’t believe the response, it was great. People eyed me at first, wanting to know what I was doing, but I just said, Paying it forward.

      What RAOK have you experienced?

    • #398251

      I have not experienced the same type of RAOK that you did. Simply things like someone holding a door, letting you cross a street in the rain, etc. Personally I prefer to be the donor in the RAOK, knowing that just maybe somehow, someway you made a difference for someone is beyond words.

    • #407078

      I was in bed most of the day – today …Arron (DH)went out to repair a side glass on a truck for someone who had their window shattered by a vandal on Christmas day. When he came home he proceeded to tell me that he didnt charge the guy for the repair (normally $85) that he told him to help someone else out who needed it – please. I am so proud of my hubby!!! That was a wonderful Christmas present for me!!

    • #407162

      I was the recipent of a RAOK recently, a repairman who did work for us some years ago came by with two big bags of fish food. He was no longer keeping his Koi and remembered that we had a pond with about 100 gold fish. So nice of him to think of us.

      I paid it forward by providing gifts to a nursing home resident so she could give to her family when they picked her up for the holidays. Such excitement and joy when we wrapped the gifts. It didn’t cost me much since all gifts were new items but purchased at thrift stores throughout the year. This is my 3rd year of doing this and it is so rewarding.

    • #407181

      That is wonderful Niddi!! What a great way to pay it forward!!

    • #407190

      I have also done this on many occasions. I will pay for the person behind me in the drive thru line at fast food restaraunts. It is so rewarding to see their expression in the rearview mirror. The cashier usually is speechless to start with. I do this frequently at our local McDonalds. I know one of the cashiers who runs the drive thru during lunch and she always thanks me for doing this. OUr church has adopted this and we hand out a card with our info on it to be given to the recipient. It is a wonderful way to spread the news and to let them know that God loves them and so do we.:grin:

    • #408640

      what a great ministry. Your church certainly has a wonderful outreach program. Has anyone visited your church through this program that you know of???

    • #408641

      I love this concept… have you all seen the movie a few years ago?

      And here is my favorite local story about Paying it Foward:
      Starbucks Customers Pay It Forward – Local News Story – WTVJ | Miami

    • #408642

      If you won’t be using your coupon before the expiration date and are not sending them to someone else to use, consider leaving them on the shelf with the product.
      I go through my coupon caddy the last Wednesday of each month to pull what will expire that month. If I won’t be using it I leave it on the shelf at the grocery store during that grocery trip.(a good many of them anyway, some products I can’t locate quickly and don’t want to spend too much time on it)
      I’ve gotten a few strange looks from shoppers, but several times someone has picked up the product and thanked me for the coupon, especially when it was a sale or bogo and on their list. I’ve also noticed that some other shoppers have started doing this too.
      Not everyone has the time to do this but even if you leave a few it keeps them from going to waste and will make someone happy.

    • #408646

      My husband is always opening the door for people! He’s such a gentleman! Anyway, we’re from South Carolina. If a man doesn’t open the door for a woman there he’d be considered a bum! Then we moved near Philadelphia. He still opens doors, but now he gets the strangest looks! Its sooo funny! The women all say, “WOW!” and then they look at me like, you’re so stinkin’ lucky! – And I AM! 🙂

    • #408686

      Once about 3 years ago I went out to dinner with my family and my husband just before we moved to San Antonio and there was a couple near us that paid for our dinner and we had no idea until after they left.

      We recently had a situation come up where we were able to pay it forward by lowering the rent on our other house by $50 to a couple that needed the help. Sure that extra $50 will come out of our pocket every month, but they are so grateful that we were willing to lower the rent so they could get in a nice neighborhood with a good school for their son. It makes me happy that we are able to help out someone that needs it. They move in Feb. 1st and have no idea that they are going to have a fun surprise in their fridge when they get there. I am going to stock it with stuff for sandwiches for those first few days when they move in.

    • #408703

      @JennyCup 99280 wrote:

      They move in Feb. 1st and have no idea that they are going to have a fun surprise in their fridge when they get there. I am going to stock it with stuff for sandwiches for those first few days when they move in.

      Wow! That is such a generous thing to do! How wonderful! I know from experience how tiring it is to move. You don’t want to cook & even if you did want to, you can’t find dishes, cooking utensils, etc. That is so sweet that you are stocking their fridge with food. What a good landlord! 🙂

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