Question regarding Recipe for Deer & Mice Repellent-

Budget101 Discussion List Archives Budget101 Discussion List Question regarding Recipe for Deer & Mice Repellent-

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    • #325354

      What is “non-detergent soap powder? Its in deer & mice repellent

    • #445398
      Melissa Burnell

      @sylwhis 368586 wrote:

      What is “non-detergent soap powder? Its in deer & mice repellent

      Non detergent soap powder refers to plain soap powder that is phosphate-free. Some of these recipes have been on our site for nearly 15 years and back in the day most detergents were loaded with phosphates which in high doses can ruin your lawn,shrubs, greenery and leach into your well water, as well as create run off. The recipe calls for basic soap powder (which also used to be available in the store in boxes, but is no longer sold),. You can make your own by grinding up a bar of Ivory Soap in a food processor, or grating a bar and then finely chopping the grated pieces.

    • #445869

      @sylwhis 368586 wrote:

      What is “non-detergent soap powder? Its in deer & mice repellent

      Detergents contain enzymes, that’s what makes them a detergent and not just a soap.

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Budget101 Discussion List Archives Budget101 Discussion List Question regarding Recipe for Deer & Mice Repellent-