Question about MYO Tortilla recipe

Budget101 Discussion List Archives Budget101 Discussion List Question about MYO Tortilla recipe

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    • #287257

      It can be found here: – – MYO Tortillas

      I just had a question about the very last part, what does it mean ‘fill and freeze’? I get the freeze part, but fill?

    • #429051
      Melissa Burnell

      @RheaZar 146819 wrote:

      I just had a question about the very last part, what does it mean ‘fill and freeze’? I get the freeze part, but fill?

      It means that if you want to, you can fill them with your favorite fillings and freeze them so that all you have to do is toss them on a cookie sheet and bake them.

      For example:
      Fill with refried beans, sliced onions & green peppers and Seasoned Chicken strips, fold’em, wrap them and freeze them.

      Otherwise, if you plan to freeze them Unfilled, it would be best to place a layer of wax paper between each one to prevent them from sticking, or heavily flour them after they’ve cooked.

    • #429055

      Oh wow, I had no idea you could do that, how clever! These would be really great for a work-food, to take and warm up in the mic. Though I think I’d not want the veggies to be frozen, I would rather add those fresh (except onions and green peppers, those are better cooked).

      Thank you!

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Budget101 Discussion List Archives Budget101 Discussion List Question about MYO Tortilla recipe