question about cookie/muffin mixes

Budget101 Discussion List Archives Pantry Chat question about cookie/muffin mixes

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    • #237949
      GillyBean wrote:
      I would like to know how those of you who do make muffins, do it without the edges being burned…. I wonder the above too, and thought I would tack this onto her post =o) The kids are on a big muffin kick here lately and they are always burned around the edges. Now, as an answer to the above, I know that peanut butter dough, sugar dough, and chocolate chip dough are all able to be made ahead and in the case of the two first ones, better when refrigerated prior to baking.

      From: Cassie120
      Date: Thu May 8, 2003 3:02 pm

      This was months ago you asked, but I suspect you are using a dark muffin tin. If your tin is a dark metal, then you need to reduce your oven temp by 25 degrees and check for doneness. I usually need to add five more minutes but the burning doesn’t happen anymore so it is worth more time.

      To be sure the center is cooked through, I also keep the muffins in the tin to cool for at least 15 minutes. They keep cooking in the tin but no over browning is going to happen.

      (Also make sure your shelf in the oven is in the middle and not to close to the top oven burner too.)

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Budget101 Discussion List Archives Pantry Chat question about cookie/muffin mixes