Pretending that I still have savings…

Budget101 Discussion List Archives General Budget & Finance Pretending that I still have savings…

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    • #382134

      The ultimatum is that I used up all my savings. My partner knows that I still have my savings so we are not really frugal in our way of living.

      But now, I can’t keep up with my partner because we tend to go to expensive restaurants and resorts. I usually shoulder the bill because I am quite egotistical.

      How can I earn back all my savings or tell my partner that I’ve used up all my savings?

    • #464481

      I’m not sure if this sounds so simple or easy for you. It’s a matter of discussion. Have a sort of serious or hear to hear talk?

      Not sure as to how deep is your relationship but yeah as I’ve said, open up and discuss you concerns.

    • #464482

      I’m not sure if this sounds easy or simple for you. Is a matter of discussion but of course I’m not even sure how deep your relationship is. Try to have a serious or heart to heart talk with him.

      Be honest and forget about the ego thing.

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Budget101 Discussion List Archives General Budget & Finance Pretending that I still have savings…