pool chemicals/cleaning

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    • #260177

      I know for our inground pool we debated on using chlorine products

      baquacil, which is a chlorine free product. Problem is that once you

      use baquacil you can’t go back to chlorine. The pool is heated so

      chlorine works better, but I have friends that love baquacil. I don’t

      know the difference in price.

      — In Budget101_@yahoogroups.com, “sarah_d_ann” wrote:


      > Hi,


      > We bought an above ground pool this year and it came with a filter and

      > instructions on the chemicals to clean it. Problem is, I am going

      > BROKE with the chemicals it says I have to use to keep it clean. Does

      > anyone have any ideas or suggestions?


      > Thanks,


      > Sarah

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