Planning a wedding on college budget

Holidays & Special Occasions Wedding Events Planning a wedding on college budget

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    • #237275
      Melissa Burnell

      Re: : Re: Planning a wedding on college budget

      If you have time to go to the “Bridal Shows” before the wedding – where all of the vendors, etc. come out of the woodwork peddling their things, go and sign up for the giveaways. We got a lot of ideas from visiting and we won a few things too.

      We did get a lot of junk mail too, but in the end, it was worth it for the things we gained from it.

      Get a Post Office Box, then get your name on some pre-printed labels (you can make them at home), and every time you need to sign up for something, put one of these labels on it. You do not have to give out your home address or home phone number.

      If you are truly interested in what they are offering, take their card, make notes in a notebook you carry with you and then you call them.


      another thing, write down every thing you “want” and prioritize. you can have a lovely wedding, the full “princess for a day treatment” if you emphasize what you really want and trim elsewhere.

      order your invitations through the mail or make them at home. make the inserts yourself. make your own favors.

      invite your wedding party and relatives to help out. people will ask what you need – say “i need 100 Hershey Kisses wrapped in tulle & tied with a ribbon”; or “I need 100 sugar cookies cut out in the shape of a heart/star/etc., baked and frosted.” You get the picture.

      For picture frames, you can pick up wooden ones, plain and then paint them to coordinate with your wedding colors. Spray paint and then spray lacquer over them in a well ventilated area, then let them dry before adding your pictures.

      Use silk flowers. I remember wanting Tulips and the florists told me what it would cost to get them that time of year, I about flipped. Using silk, we got the gorgeous bouquets I wanted (incl.

      tulips in various colors) and the cost was so much easier on our budget.


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Holidays & Special Occasions Wedding Events Planning a wedding on college budget