Budget101.com : Re: Planning a wedding on collage budget
I have read all the post about this now.. they are all good tips..
but here are a few more suggestions that will save alot of money…
In the craft section of Walmart and even the wedding section at
Michaels and Joanns there are great do it yourself things for party
favors or even center pieces… I have made several of them for
friends before…You can even get decent cake toppers and knife sets
for the cake table if you want them…
using real flowers is nice and if you are careful about the ones you
choose then they may be cheaper then silk flowers for the boquet…
if nothing else have your daughter pick out what type of flowers she
wants and watch for when Michaels does a half off sale for their
flowers.. I know they do that alot here..
Plus do some searches online for tips as well… google is a good
place to look for things…
My hubby and I eloped so our wedding wasn’t expensive..it was our
honeymoon that got us..but I have done receptions at my house for
several friends.. I made all the food myself and the decorations and
favors as our gift to them..