Planning a wedding on college budget

Holidays & Special Occasions Wedding Events Planning a wedding on college budget

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    • #237287
      Melissa Burnell

      Re: : Planning a wedding on collage budget

      We also paid for our entire wedding ourselves. It was my second and my husbands first. I have seen alot of ideas and tips that we used but I will run down our list anyways:

      I made my own dress (cost me $45) and my Maid of honors dress plus the dresses that my dds wore. i only paid for my dress.

      my maid of honor paid for her pattern and material i let her choose basically whatever she wanted.

      my mom paid for the material for my kids dresses.

      my husband got his tux for free when the best man paid for his own tux

      we got married on a friday night at dusk by a justice of the peace

      we had the ceremony at my moms…we ended up using her living room because it was raining

      everyone stood for the ceremony except a few elderly people which means we didn’t have to rent chairs.

      we used silk flowers on the stairs and in bouquets (went to a wholesale club to buy them and they were dirt cheap) and had real flowers on candlelabras.

      we made our own bouquets and head pieces.

      we rented tablecloth, napkins, dishes and silverware…then worked out a deal with the candlelabras and candles since it was a candlelit ceremony.

      we got our rings on sale and because my husband bought a more expensive ring mine was free.

      we printed our own invitations on pretty notecards cheaper than the card stock and it was exactly what i wanted.

      rsvps were by email or phone and regrets only.

      we had only champagne and cake and no “real reception”. we bought our cake from walmart…it was 2 tiers and my SIL added fresh flowers to the tiers and around it on the table so it was the center piece. We opened all our gifts after the cake.

      A friend of ours took all the pics on her 35 MM camera and had them developed as our wedding gift.

      We gave disposal cameras as favors so others could take whatever pics they wanted.

      When people asked what we wanted we told them money. My parents have a time share and they gave us a week in the mountains as a honey moon. We used the money we got for sight seeing in the mountains and for a hotel room after the ceremony.

      We had 2 little kids at the time and we took them for 4 days of our honeymoon and had a family vacation.

      Our whole wedding was beautiful and exactly what we wanted and only cost $750!
      Congrats to your daughter!


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Holidays & Special Occasions Wedding Events Planning a wedding on college budget