Planning a wedding on college budget

Holidays & Special Occasions Wedding Events Planning a wedding on college budget

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    • #237281
      Melissa Burnell

      Re: Planning a wedding on collage budget

      My husband and I had a very low cost wedding. We got married on a Friday night which made it easier to rent a hall. We basically had a lot of help from our family and friends as far as the wedding was concerned.

      We bought artificial flowers and our friend made them into corsages, butonierres(sp?) and each bridesmaid carried a single rose. (artificial)

      Another friend offered to make the pew bows and paid for them as her wedding gift. The centerpieces were a glass bowl with a flower floating in it.

      We had candles and confetti decorations. Another friend made rose heart soaps for the favors and gave that for her wedding gift to us.

      We had an hors’orderve (sp?) and dessert reception. We had pizza (real Italian not Dominoes LOL), chicken and shrimp kabobs and other stuff like that.

      For dessert we had a candy bar (instead of a salad bar) with all different kinds of candies. I had a friend make a whole bunch of little chocolates for it.

      My husband and I both like icecream cake so we actually had 3 round cakes from Dairyqueen at our cake table (brought out at the last minute of course) and then sheet icecream cakes to accomodate our guests. Dairyqueen did a great job of decorating our cakes.

      Our colors were red, white and gold. They did red roses on the white cake and we gave them gold leaves to attach to the roses….they looked beautiful. We bought a gold cross with two rings at the center for our main cake topper.

      My dress was the most expensive thing at $483 at David’s Bridal but part of that was bought with my $300 tax back from George W.

      Bush in 2002.

      We had a coffee bar at our wedding courtesy of my mother-in-law who had a coffee shop at the time. We had four friends help out with the serving at our wedding which was really just setting up the buffet and then serving the icecream cake. My parents and family helped out at the end by cleaning up and mopping.

      Basically, I would say find out what talents your family and friends have and then see if they’ll apply them to the wedding.

      Also, a wedding can be done cheaper if you have on a different day then a traditional wedding day or you have a different type of meal like a brunch or something to that effect. We had a friend get married at a local city park who did a beautiful brunch and only invited 30 people.

      Hope that helps, Michele

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Holidays & Special Occasions Wedding Events Planning a wedding on college budget