OT child support in PA

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    • #261717

      I have 1 more question on child support — my soon to ex submitted lies to obtain his cheap child support (95 dollars a month for 5 kids)– but they are hard to disprove where does 1 start??
      1 his says we lived together ’till last year — that I can prove otherwise
      2 he says he quit truck driving training over a year ago –ha! he graduated in ’98 or ’99 from a small truck driving school — so long ago I haven’t been able to get the records
      he drove truck for 6 or 7 years for various companies again sooo long ago most of them say hum?? don’t kniow if he ever worked for us
      3 he says he has unspecified health problems — bull -he has excessive fat on the liver –from drinking too much — and an underactive thyroid — the doctor won’t give me copies because of the privacy laws
      4 he says we are in bankruptcy — the lawyer that was handling that won’t tell me anything other than the fact the case is closed and has been for years it was never finalized — there is NO banruptcy and they can’t say more ’cause I wasn’t named in the bankruptucy thus they told me too much already –they never spoke to me — click they hung up the phone

      5 he says he only brings home 800 dollars a month and yet he is suing me for custody because he says in the custody paperwork he is gainfully employed

      how do I debunk these lies??
      any help would be appreciated
      thank you

    • #397926

      Re: Budget101.com : Re: Budget101.com OT child support in PA

      You can look up bankruptcy information online at PACER.
      PACER Service Center Home Page
      There is a $.08 fee per page, but unless you go over $10, they won’t
      charge your card.

    • #397925

      Re: Budget101.com : Re: Budget101.com OT child support in PA

      i understand very well. our deadbeat did almost the same-he worked as a waiter and claimed $2000 in tips for 2007 as a full time employee and no one could prove otherwise. i was making more a a full-time student, summer lifeguard and mother of 3 and paying a mortgage while he was living in section 8 housing with his mother and had virtually no expenses-and yet others who really qualify can’t get the aid because people like him cheat the system. its awful the things they would do to the kids that they supposedly love soo much.

      i was told to write everything in a notebook so that at court i have a record of every time i spoke to someone reguarding him. its becoming a novel-but it supports my case much better because it offers proof.

      good luck


    • #397927

      Re: Budget101.com : Re: Budget101.com OT child support in PA

      When a person completes bankruptcy they are issued Discharge Papers from the courts. The papers prove that they were declared bankrupt. It is their obligation to prove the bankruptcy by providing the papers. Challenge him on the bankruptcy part in court. He will either come up with the papers or that part will be possibly be dismissed.
      I recently went through bankruptcy and have been notified by my attorney that I do need to keep those papers as proof.

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