Original Blue Dawn—Not Just for Dishes

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      Original Blue Dawn—Not Just for Dishes

      Take a look under the sink where you keep your cleaning products. See a
      bottle of Original blue Dawn Dishwashing Liquid? Say “Hello” to a very versatile and surprisingly multi-purpose household product.

      ICE PACK. Partially fill a strong zip-type sandwich bag with Dawn
      dishwashing liquid, close and freeze. Just to be safe, double bag it. Freeze. The liquid soap stays cold much longer and it can be re-frozen many times. It will conform to the place you need an ice pack.

      BUBBLE PARTY. Combine ten parts distilled water and one part Dawn
      Dishwashing Liquid to make your own bubble solution. And add 1/4 part white corn syrup (like Karo) if you want to make more sturdy bubbles. Gather up things like clean soup cans that have both ends cut off or Hula-Hoops with makeshift handles attached. If you want to, you can pour the solution into a plastic kiddy pool and make huge bubbles. Turn it into a scientific experiment and go on a hunt for bubble-making items in your kitchen. This is a super cheap idea that’s lots of fun.

      HAND DEGREASER. Forget those pricey automotive hand cleaners. Full strength blue Dawn Dishwashing Liquid cuts through grease and gets hands and nails clean with no harsh chemicals.

      CLEAN AUTOMOTIVE TOOLS. Soak them in a solution of Dawn dishwashing liquid before you put them away to remove all the oil and grime. As a bonus Dawn will help prevent rust from forming on the tools.

      MANICURE SECRET. Soak fingers in full-strength blue Dawn. It makes the
      cuticles soft and easy to work with. And it removes the natural oil from the
      fingernails, which allows the polish to adhere very well.

      REPEL ANTS. Spray countertops, cupboards and any other area where you see ants with a solution of Dawn and water. Wipe dry. The slight residue of Dawn that remains will not be a problem at all for kids or pets, but ants hate it. Should you see a trail of ants, go ahead and hit them with the Dawn spray. You’ll see. It will kill them.

      BATHROOM CLEANER. Original blue Dawn Dishwashing Liquid has some kind of
      miraculous quality about it that makes it “melt” through stubborn soap scum and hideous build-up on showers and tubs, no matter whether porcelain, acrylic or fiberglass. Use it straight up and you’ll bless the day you read this

      HAIR PRODUCT BUILDUP. Once a month use original Dawn as you would shampoo.
      It will remove excess oil from your hair and scalp and strip away any build-up
      of styling products—without any damage. Perform this once a month and you won ’t have to buy expensive salon products that do the same thing.

      STAIN SPOTTER. Original blue Dawn Dishwashing Liquid used full-strength gets just about any kind of spot out of washables. Keep a small squeeze bottle in the laundry room so it’s always handy.

      BONUS: Dawn Dishwashing Liquid is biodegradable, while other chemical
      solvents may not be.

      ©Copyright 2007 Mary Hunt
      Everyday Cheapskate is a Registered Trademark

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Budget101 Discussion List Archives Budget101 Discussion List Original Blue Dawn—Not Just for Dishes