one-year subscription to Time Out New York Kids

Free Stuff ~Coupons Galore ~ Hot Deals Freebies one-year subscription to Time Out New York Kids

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    • #276784

      Get a one-year subscription to Time Out New York Kids (a $9.95 value) courtesy of Silver Cross.

      Time Out New York Kids delivers the best of kid-friendly New York each month, with special features, reviews and listings. It’s a must read for every New York mum and dad.

      You will not be billed for this subscription. You will start receiving Time Out Kids in about 6-8 weeks.

      Time Out New York Kids

    • #425208

      This offer ended last year lol says in the terms and conditions.

      Terms & Conditions

      1. No purchase necessary.
      2. One subscription per household.
      3. Subscribers must be over 18 year old.
      4. This offer can not be redeemed or exchanged for any other goods or services.
      5. The offer closes on 31 May 2008
      6. 12 monthly issues of the Time Out New York Kids magazine will be sent out 6-8 weeks after subscriber information is submitted.
      7. Offer is only available to U.S. residents in NY, NJ or CT.
      8. Your contact details will be only be shared between Silver Cross America Ltd and Time Out New York (“TONY”).
      9. Click here for the Silver Cross America ltd privacy policy.
      Click here for the Time Out New York (“TONY”) privacy policy.

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Free Stuff ~Coupons Galore ~ Hot Deals Freebies one-year subscription to Time Out New York Kids