October 14-20

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    • #392070

      Sunday – fried egg sandwich
      Monday – bacon sandwich
      Tuesday – breakfast burrito
      Wednesday – English muffin with cream cheese and cherry jam, and pineapple yogurt
      Thursday – maple and brown sugar oatmeal
      Friday – strawberry yogurt smoothie and apple slices
      Saturday – bacon, eggs, and toast
      Total – $1

      Trail mix
      Triscuits and Colby cheese
      Total — $1.79

      Sunday – pizza wrap
      Monday – grilled chicken cubed with Ramen noodles
      Tuesday – grilled chicken over mixed greens
      Wednesday – grilled chicken wrap
      Thursday – shrimp with Ramen noodles
      Friday – shrimp over mixed greens
      Saturday – shrimp wrap
      Total — $2.50

      Sunday –baked chicken thighs, baked sweet potatoes*, and corn…$7.99
      Monday – grilled back ribs, mashed sweet potatoes*, and salad…$4.99
      Tuesday – rotisserie chicken, sweet potato fries*, and buttered broccoli…$5.99
      Wednesday – veggie burrito and salad…$2.97
      Thursday – grilled shrimp, grilled sweet potatoes*, and roasted Brussels sprouts…$7.99
      Friday – chicken-fried steak** with creamy gravy over noodles, and salad…$4.77
      Saturday – chicken-fried steak** with brown gravy over roasted potatoes, and buttered French-cut green beans…$4.77
      Total — $39.47

      Total for the week — $44.76

      *We scored a great deal on sweet potatoes and couldn’t agree on how to fix them. So I made a bet with him that ‘my’ ideas were better! We decided that we would each fix “personally-preferred” method.

      Since we had enough for four sides, we agreed to each prepare two. I said that we would have to do it all in one week to keep the memory fresh. I wanted to make mashed and grilled and he wanted to make baked and fried.

      We each chose the meal to make. Personally, I think the Monday and Thursday meals will be the best combinations and the best sweet potatoes! He said that sweet potato fries would be good with a rotisserie chicken, so I he’d have to go buy one because that wasn’t on the meal plan!

      Wouldn’t you know it?!! He got back to the store just as they were marking them down!!! ack!!!!

      **we also got a good deal on round steak and bought enough for two meals of chicken-fried steak. again, we couldn’t agree on the gravy so we made another bet! my original thought was to cook one package and freeze the other, but instead we’re having a cook-off!

      i’m making good, old-fashioned, southern creamy gravy over noodles because he called dibs on potatoes and will make brown gravy.

      i’ll post the results of the cook-off next week! giggle smiley
      balloony  smilie

    • #465082
      Melissa Burnell

      eat-1  smilie hahahaha! I can’t wait to read about the results of the cook-off!

      I usually end up doing the majority of the cooking, although if we’re grilling he does tend to man the grill most of the time. I think it’s awesome that you guys work together in cooking and come up with fun challenges like that, it’s a great idea.

      eat drink smilie

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