November 10-16

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    • #324669

      Sunday — baked chicken, roasted yams, and corn…$6.93
      Monday — hamburger soup with black-eyed peas (rich in fiber and protein, they are a complex carb so they are okay) and kale…$13.86
      Tuesday — using Sunday’s chicken…chicken-brown rice (another complex carb) skillet dinner with peas and carrots…$3.46
      Wednesday — Tuesday’s leftovers with mixed veggies…$1.19
      Thursday — Monday’s leftovers with peirogies (like soup with stuffed dumplings)…$1.73
      Friday — using the last of Sunday’s/Tuesday’s leftovers, stir-fry $0
      Saturday — baked chicken, egg noodles, and corn…$6.93
      Total this week from the mark-down bin — $34.10
      What’s in your mark-down bin?
      From the response to a previous post, I plan to be more creative with my next mark-down bin shopping experience…
      Smile, its spring!

    • #445076

      @mos 358168 wrote:

      Sunday — baked chicken, roasted yams, and corn…$6.93
      Monday — hamburger soup with black-eyed peas (rich in fiber and protein, they are a complex carb so they are okay) and kale…$13.86
      Tuesday — using Sunday’s chicken…chicken-brown rice (another complex carb) skillet dinner with peas and carrots…$3.46
      Wednesday — Tuesday’s leftovers with mixed veggies…$1.19
      Thursday — Monday’s leftovers with peirogies (like soup with stuffed dumplings)…$1.73
      Friday — using the last of Sunday’s/Tuesday’s leftovers, stir-fry $0
      Saturday — baked chicken, egg noodles, and corn…$6.93
      Total this week from the mark-down bin — $34.10
      What’s in your mark-down bin?
      From the response to a previous post, I plan to be more creative with my next mark-down bin shopping experience…
      Smile, its spring!

      Stuffed dumplings??..??… Ooooohhhhh…now that sounds VERY interesting… Please…PLEASE…Puullleeezzzz share that one. 😉
      I so -love- your menus!! LOTS of inspiration for me! Thanks for sharing them.

    • #445092

      giggle…I just drop three (per person, peirogies in the soup while reheatinggiggle smiley

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