New Years Resolutions- What are yours?

Budget101 Discussion List Archives Budget101 Discussion List New Years Resolutions- What are yours?

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    • #335502
      Melissa Burnell
      multistars smilie

      we have a few new years resolutions this year . . .

      1. We Resolve to make this Site faster
      2. we resolve to make the user experience better
      3. we resolve to share the most money saving tips, articles and recipes that we can possibly find, discover and create
      4. we resolve to make even more friends and find new ways to help people we encounter each day.
      smiley eat drink smilie

      What are your Resolutions for the new year?

    • #447208

      In my house, we have resolved to try to tie these things together:
      More focus on family, savings in every aspect of our spending (thank you, budget 101!!!), healthier eating and daily laughs. My sweetheart and I are both committed to looking for ways to combine these things, IE: an outing with the grandsons that includes lots of walking and experimenting with breakfast of flat-bread sandwiches and fruit… we think they will love it!

    • #447218

      I am going to use what I have and organize my house and stick to my budget….also lose the weight I gained and keep exercising every day. Happy 2014

    • #447268

      To keep off of facebook again this year and try to get my children to do the same.

    • #447274

      I am going to quit smoking, lose weight and learn to save money. Happy 2014

    • #447427

      As a couple we have decided to stop eating out as it has become an expensive habit.( The cafe we go to is not as good as what we make at home!!) We can eat lunch at home and go later for coffee with our friends a few days a week instead of every day.
      Get our home organized and de-cluttered, and keep it that way.
      We are going to focus on natural supplements, and be very aware of what we put into our mouths and swallow.
      By keeping a cleaner home we will as a family be healthier.
      Learn a new dance, craft, and work on exercising our brains to improve our memory and create mental stamina.

    • #447494

      I resolve to …

      think of others more
      let go of stuff
      fit back into my “skinny” clothes
      stick to our budget
      not let negative people get to me
      listen to positive, encouraging music more often

      … in 2014
      Coffee smilie

    • #447499

      1heartjar smilie1heartjar smilieI don’t do resolutions, but here are the life changes I will attempt to implement in 2014…

      Listen and look for ways to help others with their needs
      Continue to lighten up on Stuff that I haven’t used or no longer need
      Even though our income has decreased to less than half of what we are used to, save money monthly
      Look for economical ways in buying wholesome & nutritional foods
      Spend more time placing the positive people in my life around me more
      Speak daily of the blessings in my life 1heartjar smilie

    • #447518

      Happy New Year! For 2014 I promise myself I will lose 52 in 52. 1 pound a week.

      I will also try not to buy on impulse so much and be better organized so I don’t waste money buying items I already have!

    • #447522

      I plan to pursue a healthier, more budget-friendly lifestyle by:
      1. Working out with friends at the local rec center;
      2. Creating my own beauty & cleaning products;

      Shopping with grocery lists and planning meals more carefully; and
      4. Eliminating all processed and convenience-type foods from our diet.

    • #447545

      It is my sincere desire to spend more time in Gods word and to incorporate what I read into my daily walk with Him and not just be a hearer but a doer.

    • #447566

      I do not have or want any resolutions…

      I am under construction…
      until I have finished the project,
      of my life.
      I will give all the thanks to my

      Happy New Year

    • #447937

      For me, I have made the resolution to bring my spending under control and actually save money! Being here is definitely my best first step. along with this idea is the resolution to be more organized in my daily life and home as well as my work environment.

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Budget101 Discussion List Archives Budget101 Discussion List New Years Resolutions- What are yours?