Need some Tips for Grocery Store Savings Success

Budget101 Discussion List Archives Budget101 Discussion List Need some Tips for Grocery Store Savings Success

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    • #270595

      I am planning to go grocery shopping today, but I want to make a few changes. So many of you save tons of money by HOW you shop, instead of just writing a list and buying those items. Usually, I just go with a list to the same store no matter what is on sale. And, I have not used coupons in forever.

      I am ready to take a leap and learn some tips that you most ardent couponers and sale shoppers know. I just don’t know where to start! What is the best way to plan my trip for the best deals?

      What is the best “savings” strategy? I have 3 grocery stores on the same street in our small town so it will not hurt me to go to other stores.

      Thanks in advance for all of your help.

    • #414910

      Right now, How and Where I shop depends on what I’m getting.
      My closest store actually has the best deals on produce. The dollar store a little ways has the best dried goods and misc items such as paper plates or coloring books ( I use them to relax*). The store down the road from the other two has the best foreign food variety and frozen foods along with the cheapest catfood I can find.

      Really it helps to make a grocery price book or just take general food groups and check which store has the best deals on which items.

    • #414923

      Thanks for the suggestions. I guess I was trying to take “shortcuts” instead of doing a price book 🙁

      Sometimes, there are no shortcuts to success.

    • #414924

      I haven’t gotten too far on mine either quite honestly but I try to keep prices in my head for certain items and compare that way.

    • #414927

      I think I will start keeping receipts so and placing the prices in my “book”. Then, I would have a running start on a price book.

    • #414930

      What I do is shop the grocery ads and try to work my menu around those. I then match up any coupons I have to my list.

    • #414933

      Sounds so simple, yet effective I suppose. Thanks McDowdy! I am going to look online for my local flyers.

    • #414937

      April, I don’t know what stores you have or if any of them double coupons. I frequent the ones that do and have 3 within a 5 mile radius of me. Start clipping, clipping, clipping and ask others who don’t use coupons to save them for you.

      Once you get a coupon stash established you will start seeing the savings.
      My ads come out on Wednesday and I sit down with them and plan my list and my trips to the stores for that week based around their advertised specials and the coupons I have.

      I really try use those coupons on the buy one get one free sales, (you can use 2 coupons) that reduces the cost tremendously.
      I have learned to use the best part of each store I frequent.
      Publix-used mostly for ad specials (lots of bogo)(double coupons in cola)
      bi-lo-used mostly for ad specials (bogo) and clearance items that i can use coupons on
      (they always have purple tags to indicate clearance and i look for those every trip) (double coupons in cola)
      kroger-another used for ad specials and bogo (double coupons in cola) also great for markdown on fresh meat and lunchmeat.(check for that on a regular basis)
      walmart or aldi’s- used for items none of the others have on bogo that week and items i don’t have a great coupon for that can be doubled.

      wm does not double, take the ads with you because they will price match(no price match on bogo)

      if you don’t have an aldi’s in newberry, it may be worth your while to drive to cola and check it out for monthly or semi monthly trips on canned goods and etc.(also know of a bread outlet where you can get a buggy full for $5 if you’re interested)

      Make friends with the people in the meat dept.,they can tell you how many days before exp date they mark down their meats, including lunch meats, bacon, sausage, etc.
      Keep an eye out for those.
      I’ve built meals around what we have on hand (mostly) and continue buying what comes on sale to stock up. Of course I have to buy dairy, produce and breads weekly, but could probably live on our freezer(extra freezer) and pantry for at least 3 months.

      Doing your homework-clipping and organizing coupons -building meals around the ads – getting to know the stores and using the best part of each will pay off in savings.

    • #414972

      Once you get your coupons in order, remember to save the ones you know that you won’t use and post them on the site here. Then trade these ones for ones you would like. Make your Wishlist..

      Check your pantry to see what you already have.

      Don’t spend money on things you don’t need. Don’t buy on impulse plan your shopping trips.

      If you go to the supermarket early in the morning (before 9am) you have a better chance of getting mark down items. Local stores in my area mark down fresh veggies and fruits, frozen items, milks, and meats.

      More often than not, the best sales are on the front and back of your supermarket flyer. These are the eye catcher deals..

      Most bargains are found on the higher and lower shelves. Most expensive brands are at eye level (to get your attention).

      Buy in bulk when the unit price is less. Larger sizes do not always mean lower prices. Just because an item has the word “SALE” on it, doesn’t mean you are getting it for a lower than normal price.

      Know your prices. This is one way that a price book can help you.

    • #414985

      I always keep a list on the fridge of the items that I need to replace.
      When I am ready to go to the store I will start with that list look through the ads (Okay so I only have a Wal-Mart and one grocery store so this easy for me).
      I divide my list between the two stores and write down the coupon that I have for the item and how much off it is. Sometimes even with the coupon it isn’t a bargain price.
      Big thing is to only stick to your list. My grocery store will double coupons up to 50 cents only so anything over that price I will use at Wal-Mart unless the grocery store has it cheaper (usually check there first can always go back).

      I walked out of Wal-Mart the other day with $30 worth of free items from using the coupons. Can’t go wrong with that!

    • #415033

      I don’t have any stores that will double coupons around here. I try to plan meals around what’s on hand Scan the ads for whats on sale, then finish the menu. Build your list around your menu, throw in some odds and ends that you know you need.

      I always take a quick inventory of bathroom supplies when I know I’m going to target. Check your list a few times before you leave. And stick to it.

      That is the hardest thing for me to do!

    • #415055

      My one thing is to never go grocery shopping hungry. I eat just before I go and take a travel mug filled with a drink from home to keep me from grabbing those 20 oz bottles for $1.

      This saves me from impulse shopping and adding in extra things.

      Also shopping alone greatly reduces the number of impulse items in the cart.

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Budget101 Discussion List Archives Budget101 Discussion List Need some Tips for Grocery Store Savings Success