need help with my weight and high cholesterol

Weight Loss on a Budget Nutrition & Dieting Recipes need help with my weight and high cholesterol

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    • #250787

      Hi Melissa;

      Most important thing to remember is that cholesterol comes from animal

      products. Among the highest sources of cholesterol are liver, eggs,

      and shellfish, such as crab, lobster, and shrimp. Vegetables and

      grains are naturally cholesterol free, so just don’t add animal fats

      to them. (I do use a bit of butter, cause many margarines are just

      too chemically, but I also like the new heart smart brands with

      Omega-3 fatty acids in balance–those are good fats).

      Some researchers have found that increasing your consumption of

      onions, garlic, oatmeal and high fiber foods will help. Best thing

      you can do is get more exercise, as that increases GOOD cholesterol,

      which helps you fight the bad stuff.

      Good luck!

      -> — In, M F wrote:

      > >

      > > I received a call from my Dr. that my cholesterol is 222 and I

      > need to be put on meds. I don’t completely trust medical field so I

      > would like to ask for your opinion. I know that if I cut on eating

      > out 3x a week that would help. I do most of the cooking from

      > scratch but I still have areas I need to improve. I was told that

      > green tea will help. Does anyone know anything about this and do

      > you have any suggestions. I have tried WW and it helped, but I am

      > not motivated enougth. I need help.

      > >

      > >

      > > Thank you,

      > > Melissa

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Weight Loss on a Budget Nutrition & Dieting Recipes need help with my weight and high cholesterol