If you liked the WW program, but had trouble with motivation, try
http://www.kimbensen.com .
She lost 212lbs with ww, has been on the today show and the cover of prevention.
has so much free information on her website, sends a free e-newsletter every
month and
writes a weekly column. she is such a motivating person and tries to answer
every email
she gets!! and she is my cousin! good luck!
i am stuggling with it myself.
cutting out
cheeze has helped lower my cholesterol.
— in Budget101_@yahoogroups.com, M F wrote:
> I received a call from my Dr. that my cholesterol is 222 and I need to be put
on meds. I
don’t completely trust medical field so I would like to ask for your opinion. I
know that if I
cut on eating out 3x a week that would help. I do most of the cooking from
scratch but I
still have areas I need to improve. I was told that green tea will help. Does
anyone know
anything about this and do you have any suggestions. I have tried WW and it
helped, but I
am not motivated enougth. I need help.
> Thank you,
> Melissa
> Everyone is raving about the all-new Yahoo! Mail.