need help with my weight and high cholesterol

Weight Loss on a Budget Nutrition & Dieting Recipes need help with my weight and high cholesterol

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    • #250783

      A great online site that is absolutely FREE is You might want to check it out. They have a

      lot of great resources available. I know I have seen articles there

      on cholesterol. Sparkpeople, in my opinion, is the best online

      weight loss site available.


      — In, M F wrote:


      > I received a call from my Dr. that my cholesterol is 222 and I

      need to be put on meds. I don’t completely trust medical field so I

      would like to ask for your opinion. I know that if I cut on eating

      out 3x a week that would help. I do most of the cooking from

      scratch but I still have areas I need to improve. I was told that

      green tea will help. Does anyone know anything about this and do

      you have any suggestions. I have tried WW and it helped, but I am

      not motivated enougth. I need help.



      > Thank you,

      > Melissa





      > Everyone is raving about the all-new Yahoo! Mail.

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Weight Loss on a Budget Nutrition & Dieting Recipes need help with my weight and high cholesterol