need help with my weight and high cholesterol

Weight Loss on a Budget Nutrition & Dieting Recipes need help with my weight and high cholesterol

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      I found two things drastically lowered my cholesterol when I tested. Eating out really only has about three things to keep in mind. One just because it looks healthy doesn’t mean it is.

      Two decide where to eat, Wendy’s has less fat for most of their foods than Mc Donalds. You can research them online just go their websites. And three, just eat smaller portions, skip the fries or only get a small one.

      And the big key eat SLOWLY with lots of water. This allows your brain to let you know your full and the water helps your body process all that extra stuff. If you drink lots of soda try to cut back.

      I try to drink one bottle of water before I ever pick up a soda. I usually have water with my meals and have a soda for that afternoon slump around 2-4pm. The second thing that really helped was making sure I had cereal or oatmeal for breakfast. You can also do protein drinks or something similar, but don’t skip breakfast. It causes your body to store more during the day including significantly more fat which is where cholesterol is stored.

      Definately eating at home is more healthy as long as you don’t deep fry or use lots of butter. But really just go for a walk more often, eat small frequent meals, eat slowly, and drink more water. Diets never really work just cut what you know you can stick with.

      For me I don’t eat at McDonalds any more, I eat at Wendy’s if I eat out (its cheaper too). I also love Subway, Italian fastfood, and Mexican. Just get use to ordering a small fries and eat them after the main meal so you don’t get the urge to eat the whole thing.

      Baked potatos (microwave them on a plate covered with plastic for 12 min) are a great quick meal when you are craving eating out. Tea is also a good soda substitute because it is primarily water without all the chemicals. If I go out to dinner I usually order tea instead of water because I like flavor.

      Drink milk if you can at least with one meal a day. Dairy for some reason actually helps your body think it is getting enough fat that it doesn’t need to store as much. Pretty much you get into trouble when you try to cut fat out all together.

      Change your cooking oils to olive or canola. I use the spray stuff if I am making quick stuff and the olive if I am cooking on the stove top. These will raise your good cholesterol.

      Hope this helps. Ask your doctor to give you 30 days to adjust your diet and lifestyle a little and get retested before letting them put you on meds. Otherwise they will say the medicine is what caused the significant change.

      My went down to 170’s just by diet and walking alone. You got to let your body know you are going to take care of it and it doesn”t need to store all the junk it thinks it needs. -Jessica

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Weight Loss on a Budget Nutrition & Dieting Recipes need help with my weight and high cholesterol