Need help with Birthday Gift

Budget101 Discussion List Archives Budget101 Discussion List Need help with Birthday Gift

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    • #250615

      I want to thank EVERYONE who responded to my call for help. You are
      wonderful! I was having trouble getting to come up on
      my computer and you all gave me the answers I needed.

      I read each one
      and here’s what we ended up with: First, I should say that I forgot
      to tell you my daughter does not live with me, but she is local. So
      some of the great ideas weren’t applicable to us. Anyway, my 10 year
      old daughter was already making her a pillow (sewn by hand – AWW!) –
      whoever said that – thank you, now my 10yo thinks she’s very cool.

      made her a great cake. I took 50 or so photos out of her baby album –
      first born, you know we have tons of pictures! – made color copies of
      them (awesome color copier at work – yea!

      – can pay later), cut them
      out and made little captions to go with most. We put all this in a
      beautiful photo album (scrapbook style). Because she doesn’t live
      with me she is not able to see the pictures whenever she wants and I
      am not ready to give them to her quite yet. Now she has her own set
      of her baby/toddler pics.

      She loved it and my mom and grandma enjoyed
      seeing them, some for the first time, too. Then, for the IOU, I
      created a scroll certificate that is good for one day out with mom,
      no siblings (she is the first of four – brother, sister, brother). I
      listed the agenda: I made an appointment at a salon for after payday
      and included shopping for clothes and lunch.

      I may add a movie on
      that day if we feel up to it. She was thrilled and is very anxious
      for our “date.” She didn’t have a clue that I was broke and just
      assumed the day was planned around when I was able to get her to the

      Woo Hoo!

      Again, thank you Budget101ers for your help!

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Budget101 Discussion List Archives Budget101 Discussion List Need help with Birthday Gift