MYO foot powder

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    • #278560

      Ok, my daughter is having trouble with odors in her work shoes. Does anyone have any thing we can mix up on our own to put in them to make them smell better? I had her fill them with baking soda for tonight to see if that will help.


    • #426460

      This came from Heloise Hints, which I get daily on my computer. I just love her stuff: I know this is not shoes, but maybe it will help you.

      Storing Boots

      After wearing, stuff boots with newspapers to help keep the shape and the newspaper will help absorb odors too.

    • #426468

      I actually went to a foot specialist and he said to try anti-perspirant roll on. Not deodorant…It really worked. I had foul feet since my teens. Not any more 🙂

    • #426490

      She tried the wadded up newspaper last night and it really worked! She was excited to find an easy inexpensive way. The baking soda we tried didn’t work at all. Thanks!

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