Money Saving Tips for Grocery Shopping

Budget101 Discussion List Archives Budget101 Discussion List Money Saving Tips for Grocery Shopping

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      Groceries are one of the biggest expenses each month for many families, so here are some simple tips from our readers to help you save money on your groceries.

      Bulk Shopping
      While you should always carefully compare prices first, it can be much cheaper to buy in bulk from a warehouse.

      Buy Loss Leaders (Note: “Loss leaders” are advertised items sold at a loss to the store to attract customers.)
      In addition to using coupons, try to buy only the “loss leader” specials (those big sales advertised in the newspaper ad). Buy lots of these items and freeze or store for the future.

      Co-op Shopping
      If you have one, you can save money by shopping at a grocery co-op.

      Comparison Shop
      You can definitely save money each month on your grocery bill if you do some comparison shopping. (Also, don’t assume that the bulk warehouse places are AlWAYS cheaper; sometimes they’re not.)

      Freeze Your Milk
      you should use frozen milk in about three months. You just have to pour a little of the milk out (into another jug) before you freeze it, so that it doesn’t expand and burst the plastic jug. It will look yellow when frozen, but will thaw out and look normal.

      Plan Your Meals
      Learn how one mom spends under $200 a month on groceries for a family of four by planning ahead. (My advice is plan ahead on your meals. I do so a month at a time.

      Each night of the week, is given a specific meat day. For instance, Mondays: chicken, Tuesdays: ground beef, ect. Add rice, vegetables, pasta or potatoes for the side dishes.

      I know exactly what were having at any given time without much thought. When you break it down, we only have, say, chicken, four times a month so there is no boredom. This works great, and my family really looks forward to Fridays; fish night!

      I also keep 2 or 3 laundry baskets in the back of my minivan, to carry items from car into the house; this eliminates the need to ever have to spend time “bagging”. Just place the groceries in baskets and transport where needed. – Submitted by Anna)

      Save on Meat – if you wait until just before the “Sell By Date” the meat will be much cheaper

      Shop at a Farmer’s Market
      If you have a Farmer’s Market nearby, buy your fruits and vegetables there. You save a lot and it’s fun! Just be careful not to buy more than your family will eat in a week or so.

      Shop for the Month
      Save money on your grocery budget by planning a month ahead.
      (I scan through my favorite cookbooks and plan out an entire month’s menu in advance. I take inventory of the food I do have in the pantry and freezer and then make a list of what I need to go on one BIG grocery shopping excursion. I scan through my coupons to tag team with the weekly circulars to help with my shopping.

      This minimizes the amount of trips I need to make in a month, thus saving me on my grocery budget. I only need to go every other week for milk, fruit and deli meat. It has helped us so far; I’m on my third month with this plan.

      – Submitted by Pam)

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Budget101 Discussion List Archives Budget101 Discussion List Money Saving Tips for Grocery Shopping