missing the budget101 buds!

Budget101 Discussion List Archives Budget101 Discussion List missing the budget101 buds!

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    • #250370

      What is the most frugal thing you have ever done? Don’t be shy, i’ve done a lot of out-there stuff! Just wony wondering. Where ARE all you Budgeters??????????
      I’m having to stay at home a lot & do a lot of sitting around (Doctor’s orders for some medical reasons) so maybe it’s just me, but ya’ll are scarce!!!!!!

      Also, I’m sorry that i post a lot…… In the mean time,i understand if you just delete my stuff… i really do!:):)!

      The $10 a week for meals, is going great, i just decided not to make the tuna pea wiggle (ew sorry lol) but use the tuna for sandwiches.. Those who have not tried the 10 a week project should!
      Well have a great week:):)

      God Bless You,

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Budget101 Discussion List Archives Budget101 Discussion List missing the budget101 buds!