Making your own Christmas Gift Idea

Budget101 Discussion List Archives Budget101 Discussion List Making your own Christmas Gift Idea

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    • #259515

      you can also take a candle, rubber stamps, tissue paper, dye ink, and chalks or

      colored pencils and do the same type of thing. They turn out great and are

      inexpensive to make if you have some stamps already! The thing to remember is

      after stamping the image on the tissue paper and coloring it in, is to cut out

      as close to the image as possible, then using a heat tool (like a wallpaper

      stripper or heat embosser) and hold it over the candle where you want the image

      to go. Apply a bit of heat, press the image onto the candle and repeat. The

      candle literally absorbs the image. heat until there is a thin coat of the wax

      from the candle over it.

      They turn out beautiful and make nice gifts.

      Kristin Keller avon isr

      — on sun, 7/6/08, jbeli70618 wrote:

      From: jbeli70618

      Subject: : Making your own Christmas Gift Idea


      Date: Sunday, July 6, 2008, 4:47 PM

      Since we’ve been talking about making your own Christmas gifts, I


      searching the interenet & came across flower pressed candles.

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Budget101 Discussion List Archives Budget101 Discussion List Making your own Christmas Gift Idea