I live in a rural area (but still in a neighborhood) with rural postal
carriers that use their own vehicles for mail delivery. Have had very
few problems, usually when a package comes that’s too big for the
mailbox my mailman will pull up in the driveway and honk for me to
come out and get it. I just recently (about 2 months ago) starting
signing up for the many daily freebies (thanks guys!!!) available on
this site plus a few others. Really great way to try new products and
get some great stuff for free! Here’s the problem….
I had a really large delivery yesterday, included 2 T-shirts, package
of cookies, free video game, shampoo samples, several free coupons
PLUS my usual mail. I have a plastic, average-sized mailbox, and
instead of pulling up and honking, he crammed (and I do mean
crammed!!) everything into that mailbox, smashing packages and
breaking the mailbox!! The lid broke off and he even crammed it in the
mailbox as well!! I was so mad I told my husband I was going to call
the Post Office and report him, but he said if you do he will probably
start throwing your mail away or something. I planned on getting a
bigger mailbox, I will have to now for sure.
My question is, has anyone had this happen and what did you do about
it? I told my husband I would let it ride this time but next time I
think I will report him, that just doesn’t seem right. Whoever sends
out that mail does pay the required postage which I’m sure pays his
Thanks for letting me vent!!