Mailbox Problem

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    • #261908

      My mail person did the same thing- damaged the box. Then she had the nerve to tell me that if I had a bigger box it wouldn’t have happened and that I should pick up my mail at the po myself if i were going to keep ordering so much stuff….(keep in mind, i have maybe one box every two weeks).

      i reported her to the postmaster in our town. she was moved to a different route and given a warning. the replacement carrier was actually worse…she hit mymail box with her car, broke it andcame to the door askingto borrow a hammer so she could “fix” it…the wooden post was broken in two!

      how’sshe plan to fix that with a hammer??

      that was also reported. the postmaster had her pay (out of her own money) for a new post and cement mix to reset the post. i bought a new mailbox myself (we needed one anyway).

      right now, service is ok….they sometimes throw my boxes on the porch but i can live with that as long as it’s not a box marked fragile….but should it get crappy again, i won’t hesitate to view point is they work for me, and i help pay their salaries with my postage purchases….if they are that unhappy with their jobs, they should probably look for something else to do rather than take it out of their customers (and their customers mail)…

      lisa g.

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