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    • #259517

      re: stencilling .

      But now you have the brushes .. so you are ahead of the game ..generally ANY craft costs you money in the beginning .. check yard sales for stencils, book sales at the local library sometimes have craft supplies too

      if you tried to stencil and it was blobby you either:
      1. had too much paint (I use reg craft paint and scrap excess off the brush back into the bottle, start pouncing 1-2 times on rag , then start in the middle of the stencil and work towards edges ALWAYS up and down with brush)

      2. the stencil moved if you are using a long one it can move when you move your arm etc .. tape it down .. OR using a pencil do a light outline of stencil edge and check it before each new pouncing

      TIP: I did crafts for a living many many years ago .. I found the best wipe cloth for painting was the old sweats I was wearing .. So I wiped reg paint brushes on them, pounced the stencil brushes on them etc etc .. looked like crap but effective and I didn't have to 'find' a rag .. BTW once they are dry the paint DOES NOT come out

      On 7/5/08, Lucy Anderson[/b] <> wrote:

      So jealous…..

      I am helpless with thread and needle. (I can cross stitch, knit, crochet but I start a cross stitch project and finish it 10 years later). I also can't draw a straight line to save my soul, let alone paint furniture. And I absolutely love all the homey painted furnitures that are over-expensive at the stores. I tried to stencil something, but it turned into a hopeless mess and cost more than the stores after I bought the brushes, paints, stencils and stuff.

      I wish I had been born with such talents. I can think of all kinds of awesome stuff I would love to do. I just can't seem to make them come out like my brain sees them.

      On Sat, Jul 5, 2008 at 10:30 AM, Jessica Mason <> wrote:

      I have been hearing advertisements on the radio that on Friday's Goodwill has 1/2 off everything in the store.

      I use to head to thrift stores and buy shirts, sweaters, etc and take them apart for the fabric and make handbags, buy jeans and sew different things on them, etc.(I would surf the Internet for boutique shops that sell items like that and use their ideas for inspiration. For example their custom jeans would be $60-90 (for a toddler!)and I could create something similar for just a couple dollars.) People always liked them and never thought about them being “used” items.

      Just last month I was able to get a full size wooden table and 4 chairs from Freecycle and I have custom started painted it and will be giving it to my sister and her husband for their Christmas present. I also got a child's table and 2 chairs and am custom painting it to match my niece's playroom and will give that to her. I found a “old style” wooden school desk at a garage sale for $2.00 and am painting it for a friend to put in her 6 year old child's bedroom so she can do “homework” at her own desk.

      Just a couple ideas.


      Matthew 22:37 – Love the Lord your God with all
      John 13:34 – Love one another
      Matthew 28:19 – Go and make disciples

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