looking for a car seat cover pattern

Budget101 Discussion List Archives Budget101 Discussion List looking for a car seat cover pattern

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    • #262856


      I hope I put this in the right place.

      I was wondering if anyone here has made one of those car seat/baby carrier covers out of the fleece with the velcro flap on the front so you can adjust the temperature or let it see out. I’ve been asked to make a couple for the daughter of a dept-mate of mine, for pay, but I have no idea how to make one and have no idea what size/kind of carrier she has.

      I really work best from a pattern, but I’ve no clue on where to look for one. eBay brought up one from Buttrick, but it looks like there’s no flap on it though the pictures aren’t really clear on that. (They also have several on there that are premade and if I knew for sure she’d let me pick the pattern or give me an idea, I’d consider those since some of them run about what she’s willing to/able to pay and look pretty nice, although I question the wisdom of having the kid’s face practically right against the flap, which it looks like is what happens.)

      That said, I’m also debating whether it’s worth it or not, since she wants 2 so she can trade them out periodically and apparently can only do $20 for the pair. I wasn’t sure about doing this when she mentioned giving me $20 to make one, but then one became two… I haven’t promised anything yet, because despite her father’s insistence that they’re easy and just need a hole cut in a square of fleece and some elastic sewn around the bottom, I’m thinking it won’t be quite that simple.

      Thought is to at least try to find a pattern and see how bad it could be. I have pretty good sewing skills when I don’t get in a hurry, but am prone to procrastinating, thus am frequently in a hurry, which makes me sloppy.

      Anyway, sorry so long, and if anyone knows where I could buy or find a pattern, I’d be quite grateful as my googling and ebay searching has come up pretty bare.


    • #398434
      Melissa Burnell

      Hi Taryn,

      I think it’s really great that you’re looking for a pattern to make these yourself! If you already have a cover on your car seat, you could Use newspaper and cut the pattern the same as the seams on the existing seat. It takes some time but they will fit perfectly. You can use swimming suit material on the backs to make it easy to put on and take off.

      I searched around a bit to see what I could come up with and found a few different patterns. Are any of these what you had in mind?

      https://www.freepatterns.com/images/patterns/small/2240.jpg Here is a Pattern for a Cover:

      You have to create a free membership and login in order to access the link. (But, hey, it’s free!)

      Hope that helps,

    • #398578

      To my knowledge, Liss, she doesn’t currently have a cover on the carrier. I don’t have anything to compare it to because I don’t have any li’l people in the house. My 4-paw is kid enough for me.

      😉 Unfortunately, she’s got diarrhea today, so she’s not a happy puppydog.

      I never thought to check Freepatterns though, and it’s been ages since I’ve been there. Probably have to make a new sign-in as I can’t remember what I used then. Thank you again for suggesting it!


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Budget101 Discussion List Archives Budget101 Discussion List looking for a car seat cover pattern