Labor Day Weekend Parties/BbQ’s

Budget101 Discussion List Archives Budget101 Discussion List Labor Day Weekend Parties/BbQ’s

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    • #262225

      Hey ya’ll, what are you doing for this weekend? Having a party, bbq? etc?

      Our family usually spends labor day weekend decorating for fall, making scarecrows, hand painting designs on the windows, putting up our fall and halloween decorations.

      We’re having a potluck bbq on Sunday with a bunch of friends. What all do you do?

    • #398128


      I love the idea of having a Potluck BBQ. The whole point of labor day is to Not Spend the day laboring, lol.

      Here is my favorite dish to bring for a BBQ Potluck (or family reunion!)

      Angel Food Watermelon Cake

      1) Angel Food Cake Mix
      2) Food Coloring
      a) Green
      b) Pink
      3) Chocolate Chips

      1) Mix angel food cake mix according to directions.
      2) Divide batter in half. Color one half deep pink, the
      other half green, using liquid or paste color.
      3) Fold chocolate chips (about 1/2 cup regular or
      mini size) into pink batter.
      4) Put green batter into clear, grease free stainless
      bowl. Spread batter up sides. Fill center with pink
      5) Bake according to box directions.
      6) Cool upside down over cooling rack or balance
      upside down on 4 cans; remove from pan by
      loosening edges with a serrated knife.
      7) Cut in half to expose “watermelon”.
      8) May be frosted with green tinted whipped cream
      or brushed with stripes of diluted green food
      coloring to simulate the shading of a watermelon
      9) Angel food cake cuts best when using a serrated knife and a sawing technique.

      This looks just like a watermelon and is really tasty.

    • #398130

      Labor day weekend falls on my wedding anniversary so we always spend time together as a family. This year though we have decided to take the long weekend and plan a trip-all be it short-to the Black Hills area in South Dakota and enjoy Mt. Rushmore.

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Budget101 Discussion List Archives Budget101 Discussion List Labor Day Weekend Parties/BbQ’s