Koobface Worm Targets Facebook Users

Budget101 Discussion List Archives Budget101 Discussion List Koobface Worm Targets Facebook Users

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    • #269170

      I’m not sure what “facebook” is but someone mentioned it earlier and I just got this warning from my internet provider. So wanted to make sure any facebook users were aware of this!

      Surfer Beware – Koobface Worm Targets Facebook Users

      If you’re on Facebook, be aware that a fast-spreading worm called Koobface is targeting users and trying to steal personal information such as credit card details. The Koobface worm sends a message to the Facebook user, supposedly from a friend, that says things like “you look funny in this new video” or “is it u there?” After clicking on the video link, the user is asked to download the latest version of Adobe Flash Player.

      Only after the user clicks on the fraudulent Flash update is the Koobface worm installed.

    • #409100

      @brchbell 99978 wrote:

      I’m not sure what “facebook” is but someone mentioned it earlier and I just got this warning from my internet provider. So wanted to make sure any facebook users were aware of this!

      Surfer Beware – Koobface Worm Targets Facebook Users

      If you’re on Facebook, be aware that a fast-spreading worm called Koobface is targeting users and trying to steal personal information such as credit card details. The Koobface worm sends a message to the Facebook user, supposedly from a friend, that says things like “you look funny in this new video” or “is it u there?” After clicking on the video link, the user is asked to download the latest version of Adobe Flash Player.

      Only after the user clicks on the fraudulent Flash update is the Koobface worm installed.

      the boyfriend already introduced me to it on his computer lol. in vista you can do a system restore and get rid of it but dont know if that works with xp or not. i heard it doesn’t but don’t know from experience

    • #409118

      I’ve done a system restore for that worm before on XP. It did get rid of it.

      It was given to me by a friend on aim that was like “Hi, I have this picture of you can I post it? {Horriblelinkhere}” You click it and it brings you to an empty page where it asks you to download it.

    • #409142

      urgh. i don’t understand why people makes worms, viruses, etc. it’s unnecessary to me.

      i can live without them.

    • #409166

      @Tarrien 100008 wrote:

      I’ve done a system restore for that worm before on xp. it did get rid of it.

      it was given to me by a friend on aim that was like “hi, i have this picture of you can i post it? {horriblelinkhere}” you click it and it brings you to an empty page where it asks you to download it.

      thanks now i know that part was false. maybe the person who said it didnt work didn’t do something right or something. thanks for letting us know it does work on xp as well

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Budget101 Discussion List Archives Budget101 Discussion List Koobface Worm Targets Facebook Users