Know your insurance coverage

Budget101 Discussion List Archives Budget101 Discussion List Know your insurance coverage

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    • #266864

      Unfortunately we made a big mistake by asuming we knew what “maximum out of pocket” meant. My husband had heart surgery earlier this year and he decided to do the recommended cardiac rehab program 36 visits for education and excersice. Made sence because we had already met his $2000 deductable and knew the bills from the surgery would put us over his Max out of pocket of $4000. so we figured it wouldn’t cost us anything. WRONG!!!!!
      the bills are pouring in. They have now explained to us that none of our copay of $25 per regular doctor and $50 per specialist go toward our Max out of pocket. So now we are stuck with a $900 rehab bill and I don’t know yet how much more. Please don’t make any asumptions where your insurance is concerned.

    • #404061

      Thank you for this information. Insurance can be very tricky with their wording. I understand what you are going through on how much out of pocket you end up having to pay. I hope that your husband is benefiting from the rehab, and and is healing from his surgery.

    • #404371

      I am sorry to hear that your hubby has had to physically go through this 🙁 What a bummer. I worked as an insurance biller for many years and recently worked for an insurance company! There are always some loop hole that you are never aware of. I am sorry that you got stuck with such a large bill.
      But, as for someone who was an insurance biller, call the place you owe money and ask them if there is anyway that you can get a break on what you owe them. The dr I worked for would sometimes slice a bill in half just out of compassion. Good luck and God bless.

    • #404417

      Thanks so much for the advice, unfortunately we are dealing with a large hospital rehab center on part of what we owe rather than an individual doctor. $25 co pay for each of the 36 visits. But will try on the individual doctor bills. Have since talked to someone who worksat a different ins. co. and was told that their policy is the same, none of your copay throughout the year go toward deductible or max out of pocket. So not just our ins co. LIVE AND LEARN

    • #404424

      I am sorry to hear about what you and your husband are going through. Especially in this economy!! I also thank you for advising … I am always scared that something will happen to us and we end up deep in debt even though we continue to pay monthly to have insurance.

      God Bless!!

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Budget101 Discussion List Archives Budget101 Discussion List Know your insurance coverage